You Are the Christ

Jun 28, 2009

Matthew 16:13-28



Matthew 16:13-28

Key Verses 16:15-16

15"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" 16Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." 

Read verses 13-14. Why do you think Jesus asked his disciples about the peoples’ view of who the Son of Man is? What does the peoples’ answer show about them? 

Read verses 15-16. What did Jesus ask his disciples next? How is Peter’s answer different from the peoples answer? What do you think is the significance of Peter confessing that Jesus is: a) “the Christ”; and b) “the Son of the living God”? What do you think is the significance of making a personal confession of faith?

Read verse 17. How did Peter come to know who Jesus really is? Why is it a blessing to know and confess Jesus as the Christ? How was Peter’s relationship to Jesus different from the crowds in regards to knowing who Jesus is? What can we learn about how we can know who Jesus really is?

Read verses 18-20. What was Jesus going to build his church on? What do you think his “church” refers to? What will Jesus give Peter? What privileges and responsibilities do you think this comes with? Do you think Jesus’ words also apply to all others who confess Jesus is the Christ? If so, in what way?

Read verses 21-23. “From that time on” what did Jesus explain to his disciples about the work of the Christ? How did Peter respond? Why did he rebuke Jesus? What warning does Jesus give? 

Read verses 24-28. What did Jesus teach Peter about the attitude one should have after making a confession of faith? What does it mean to deny oneself and take up one’s cross? Why do you think Jesus requires this? What does Jesus promise to those who follow him in this way?



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