The God of the Living

Oct 11, 2009

Matthew 22:15-33


The God of the Living

Matthew 22:15-33

Key verse 22:31-32

31But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.

Read verses 15-17.  Why do you think the Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus? How was the Pharisees' question a trap?

Read verses 18-22. Why was Jesus not deceived by their flattering words? How did Jesus disarm their trap? How did his answer touch their sin problem (see, for example, Matthew 21:33-39)?

Read verses 23-28.  Why did the Sadducees ask Jesus about the resurrection? What strategy did they use to prove that there is no resurrection?

Read verses 29-30. Why were the Sadducees in error? How will life be different in the resurrection?

Read verses 31-33. What do the Scriptures say about God? What do you think this truth means for your life?



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