I Am the Lord's Servant

Dec 13, 2009

Luke 1:26-56



Luke 1:26-56

Key Verse 1:38

38"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."  Then the angel left her.

When, where and to whom did God send the angel Gabriel? The angel greeted Mary with very encouraging words, yet, why was she “greatly troubled”? What message from God did Gabriel bring to Mary? (31) What did the angel foretell about the Savior to be born? (31-33)

What question did Mary ask the angel? (34) How did the angel answer her question? 

Why did she get a favorable explanation for her question, whereas Zechariah (in the previous passage) was silenced? (18-20) 

What was Mary’s response to the angel’s explanation? (38) What does this show us about her?

Why did Mary decide to visit Elizabeth instead of going to her immediate family or to Joseph for comfort and support? What happened when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting? (41) On her long journey to Elizabeth’s house (~80miles), Mary may have faced many difficulties, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, how do you think Elizabeth’s blessings and encouragements helped her? (42-45)

Compare Mary’s response in v. 29, when the angel first greeted her, to her response in vs. 46-47? What made the difference? Look at vs. 46-56. What does Mary’s song teach us about the blessedness of having a readied heart and giving a believing response to God’s purpose for our lives?



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