To the Ends of the Earth

Jan 3, 2010

Acts 1:1-11

To the Ends of the Earth���

 To the Ends of the Earth

Acts 1:1-11

Key Verse 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Part I: Eyewitnesses of the Resurrection (vs. 1-3)

1. Read verses 1-2. Who is Theophilus? What is the content of Luke’s former book?

2. Read verses 2-3. What is an apostle? After rising from the dead, how did Jesus prepare his apostles for their mission?

Part II: To the Ends of the Earth (vs. 4-8)

3. Read verses 4-5. Why did Jesus command his apostles to wait? Why did they need the Holy Spirit?


4. Read verses 6-8. What two things did the disciples ask about? How were their concerns not in line with Jesus’ concern?

5. Look at verse 8 again. To whom was this spoken? What were they going to receive? For what purpose were they given it? (verse 22) How can we be his witnesses?

Part III: Jesus’ Ascension (vs. 9-11)

6. Read verses 9-11. Where did Jesus go? (Luk 24:51, Eph 1:20) What is the significance of this? How was Jesus going to come back? Why is it important for us to know this?



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