One in Heart and Mind

Mar 7, 2010

Acts 4:32-5:16



Acts 4:32-5:16

Key Verse: 4:32

“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.”

Read 4:32-35. What was the common purpose and goal of the believers? (33) What was their attitude toward each other? Toward material things?  How did they come to be so unified?

-The common purpose of the believers was to testify to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

-Their attitude showed that each member was such a critical part of the body of believers.

-Because they were devoted to witnessing to the resurrection Jesus Christ, material possessions were only a means to help achieve this purpose.  One thing to keep in mind, is that materially there was not equality among them.  Some had big houses, with nice facilities.  Others may have even just shared a studio apartment or two may have just been sharing rent on one room in house.  They shared all their possessions so that no one would be in need.  It doesn’t say that everyone who had a house or a car liquidated all of their assets.  

-It was such an encouraging environment in how members willingly made donations.  In some sense the Holy Spirit was building momentum in terms of the unity, and the donations of those who generously gave to the groups of believers.


-The basic point in regards to their unity was their devotion as a body to the testimony of Jesus to resurrection. 

-To serve Jesus, and do God’s will.  There faith, faithful.  

-One in heart and mind, genuine love, care for each other.  Compared to Jesus grace

-What they had didn’t matter. Just compare what they had.  No equality, but everyone one was taken care of.

-The fellowship of the believers is so important.

-The grace of God was filling their hearts.  Usually the entire church is not, yet here there were only about three thousand people.  

Read 4:36-37. Who was Joseph Barnabas? (9:26-27; 11:22-26)  In what way was he exemplary and a source of encouragement?   

-When we look at what Barnabas did, we can see that he had kind of a character which really sought to strengthen and build up the body of Jesus.  He is the one who helped Apostle Paul to join the fellowship of believers in Jerusalem who initially would not accept him after his conversion, knowing what he had been doing before he met the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus.  

-Later, Barnabas served to encourage and strengthen Paul.  He went and found Paul in Tarsus, took him to Antioch.  There for a whole year they taught the church in great numbers for a year.

-He was very encouraging.


Read 5:1-4. What did Ananias and Sapphira do? Why? For what did Peter rebuke Ananias? What does this tell about the nature of the church (1Ti 3:15; 4:1) 

-They sold a piece of property and brought the proceeds to the disciples.  Yet, Ananias kept part of the money for himself, with his wife’s full knowledge.

-Apparently Satan filled his heart.

-Satan only fills ones heart, when a sinful desire take over.  For a sinful desire to take over in your heart, you basically have to let it.  Instead of trying to guide our minds with God’s word, we let sinful desires come and in rule our minds.  Two examples we can look at Cain and Abel, and King Saul, who became so

-Ananias had of course seen many of the others who made donations to the community of believers.  He saw how they were such sources of blessings to the group of, and held in high esteem.  This process seemed to build up to the point of when Barnabas made his generous donation.  The Holy Spirit was so pleased and working so powerfully among the group of believers.

-It is such a shame, because Ananias could’ve sold his property, kept some of the proceeds for himself, gave the rest to the church, and simply have been up front with Peter, explaining that he was just giving a portion of the proceeds.  Peter would’ve been pleased to accept it.

-Yet, Ananias was so concerned about receiving recognition of offering all the proceeds on the one hand, and filled with the love of money on the other hand, so that he lied about his offering to Peter.

-The desire for recognition can be such a dangerous, and destructive desire.

-We can also see that there is a proper way to conduct matters in the church.  In this case, because the Spirit was working so powerfully among the community of believers, Peter was basically a representative or messenger of the Spirit.  

-Peter rebuked Ananias for lying to the Spirit, and so Ananias died.

-One thing about his wife Sapphira, we might be able to learn, is that mindlessly she went along with her husband not really thinking about what was truly happening.  Of course a husband and wife must serve as coworkers in the Lord, but also each one must have their own independent faith.  If Sapphira had tried to have some scruples about her faith, she could’ve rebuked her husband, and kept him from doing what he did.  In the least case, she could’ve been honest with Peter about the proceeds for the property they sold.  

Read 5:5-11. What happened to Ananias and to Sapphira? How did this affect the church? (11,13 and 14) Explain the meaning of “fear” in these verses (See Ex 20:20; Pr 1:7; Ac 9:31).

-Ananias and Sapphira both died.

-In vs. 12 it says that the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people.

-vs13,  No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people.

-The event of Ananias and Sapphira, put fear in the peoples’ hearts, but it was a healthy fear and respect for the regard for God and his word.  

-Vs. 13 seems unclear, because in vs. 14 it says more and more were added to their number.


-The fear caused a realignment of the church, which may have been off line through this event of Ananias and Sapphira.    

Read 5:12-16. Were the disciples discouraged by the event of Ananias and Sapphira? How did the apostles’ ministry continue to reveal Jesus’ love? Why were people afraid to join them? How could their numbers grow anyway?


-Many miracles, and wonders were performed among them.

-May have been afraid of dying, or also afraid of living up to the rather high Godly Standards.  

-Fear of not being able to live up to the standards, live up to the standard of the disciples.

-In awe yet scared of the possibilities.  

-vs. 13, they didn’t want to join them in Solomon’s Colonnade

-They were highly regarded, yet, people didn’t join.

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