I Appeal to Caesar!

Nov 14, 2010

Acts 25:1-27



Acts 25:1-27
Key Verse: 25:11

“If, however, I am guilty of doing anything deserving death, I do not refuse to die. But if the charges brought against me by these Jews are not true, no one has the right to hand me over to them. I appeal to Caesar!”

Read verses 1-3. Who replaced Felix as governor? What did he do first? What did the Jewish leaders ask him to do? Who was really leading them behind the scene?

Read verses 4-5. How did Festus respond? Read verses 6-8. Describe the trial before Festus (the accusations of the Jews and Paul’s defense).

Read verses 9-12. What option was Paul given? What was Paul’s choice? What was his real intention behind his choice? How about his readiness to grasp the opportunity that he had long cherished in a way he least likely anticipated (Romans 1:9, 10)?

Read verses 13-22. How did Festus explain the situation to King Agrippa? What was Agrippa’s reply? Read verses 23-27. What is Festus’ dilemma in sending Paul to Rome? What help does he ask of King Agrippa? 

What can we learn from Paul in terms of his vision as well as his actual commitment? How does God work to fulfill his promise? (9:15; 19:21; 23:11)



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