My Father Is Always at His Work

May 22, 2011

John 5:1-30


My Father Is Always at His Work

John 5:1-30

Key verse 5:17

Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and  I, too, am working.”

I. Healing of the Man at Bethesda (1-15)

1. Read verses 1-7. ‘Some time later’ where did Jesus go? (1-2)  What kind of people were waiting by the pool and why were they there? (3)  To whom did Jesus speak and what did Jesus ask him? (5-6)  What does this man's answer reveal about him? (7)  How might this apply to us?

2. Read verses 8-15.  How did Jesus heal him? (8-9a)  What did the Jews accuse him of? (9b-10)  What was his excuse? (11-13)  Why did Jesus warn him to stop sinning? (14)

II. Life Through the Son (16-30)

3. Read verses 16-18.  Why did the Jews decide to persecute and kill Jesus? (16-18)  What is Jesus’ relationship with God?  Why did Jesus work all the time? (17)

4. Read verses 19-23.  How did Jesus work? (19)  What will the Father show the Son because he loves him? (20)  What authority does the Father give the Son? (21-22)  Why did the Father give authority to the Son? (23)

5. Read verse 24-30.  To whom is Jesus pleased to give eternal life? (24-26)  At the final judgment what will Jesus do? (27-29)  Why is Jesus’ judgment just? (30) 

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