How Are You Going To Believe?

May 29, 2011

John 5:31-47

The Testimonies about Jesus

The Testimonies about Jesus

(The reasons for their unbelief)

John 5:31-47

Key Verse 39b-40

These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

1. Read verses 31-35.  What did Jesus testify about himself in the previous passage? (17-18)  Under what condition would his testimony not be valid? (31, Deut 19:15)  What was the testimony of John the Baptist? (33, Jn 1:6,7,15,29,34)  Why did Jesus mention John the Baptist? (34)  What was Jesus’ comment about John? (35)

2. Read verses 36-40.  What is the weightier testimony about Jesus? (36-38)  Why did the Jews study the Scriptures? (39a)  Who do the Scriptures testify about? (39b)  What is the problem of the Jews? (37-40)

3. Read verses 41-44.  Why didn’t the Jews accept Jesus? (42-44)  What should we do in order to believe in Jesus? (42, 44b)  How is Jesus different from the Jews? (41-44)

4. Read verses 45-47.  Who would accuse the Jews? (45)  Why? (46b)  What didn’t the Jews believe? (47)

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