One Thing I Do Know

Sep 25, 2011

John 9:13-41



John 9:13-41

Key Verse 25

He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know.
One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"

1. Read verses 13-17.  Why did the people bring the man to the Pharisees? (13-14)  What was the blind man’s testimony about Jesus? (15,17)  Why were the Pharisees divided in their opinion about Jesus? (16) 

2. Read verses 18-23.  Why did the Jews send for the man’s parents? (18)  What questions did the Jews ask his parents? (19)  What questions did the parents answer and what question didn’t they answer? (20-23)  Why? (22)

3. Read verses 24-34.  What did the Jews want the man to say about Jesus? (24)  On what ground did he withstand their pressure? (25)  How did the man challenge the Jews? (27)  How did they insult the man and Jesus? (28-29)  What was this man’s final testimony about Jesus? (30-33)  What did the Jews do to this man? (34)

4. Read verses 35-41.  How did Jesus help him? (35,37)  What was his response to Jesus’ words? (36,38)  How did this blind man come to truly see?  For what did Jesus come into this world? (39)  How did the Pharisees become blind? (40-41)

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