I Am the Good Shepherd

Oct 2, 2011

John 10:1-21


 I Am The Good Shepherd 

John 10:1-21

Key Verse 11

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Read verses 1-6.  What is the difference between ‘a thief and a robber’ and a ‘shepherd’? (1-2)  What does it mean to ‘enter by the gate’? (2-3)  Observe and describe the relationship between shepherd and sheep.  How do the sheep recognize the voice of their true shepherd calling their name?

Read verses 7-10.  Who is the gate?  What is the motivation of the thieves? (8)  What do the sheep find when they go through the ‘gate’? (8-10) 

Read verses 11-13.  Why does Jesus call Himself the Good Shepherd?  What do the good shepherd and the hired hand really care for?  When does the hired hand show his true nature? (13)

Read verses 14-18.  Describe the relationship between Father and Jesus as well as between Jesus and his sheep. (14-15)  Who are the other sheep? (16)  Why does the Father love Jesus?  How does Jesus exercise his authority? (18)

Read verses 19-21.  How did the Jews respond to Jesus’ Words?  Why were they divided?

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