Those Who Honor Me I Will Honor

Oct 28, 2012

1 Samuel 2:12-36

I Will Honor Those Who Honor Me

I Will Honor Those Who Honor Me

1 Samuel 2:12-36

Key Verse 2:30b

But now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.

In this passage, we will think about 4things. 

(1) Importance of Obedience to His Law (v17)

(2) Significance of Child Discipline (v22-25,29)

(3) Purpose of God’s Judgment (v25b) 

(4) Purpose of Honoring God (v30)

(5) God raises up a faithful Priest for Himself (v35) 

May God richly bless us to have absolute attitude toward Him and His law so that we can honor Him through our lives. 

1. Read verses 12-17. Why are Eli’s sons called wicked men? (12) What was the practice of the priests with the people at that time? (13-14) How did Eli’s sons disregard for the Lord? (15-17) How was that practice different from the word of God? (Exo 29:27-28, Lev 7:28-35) Why was their sin very great in God’s sight? (17)

1-1) Read verses 12-17. 

12 Eli’s sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the Lord. 13 Now it was the practice of the priests with the people that whenever anyone offered a sacrifice and while the meat was being boiled, the servant of the priest would come with a three-pronged fork in his hand. 14 He would plunge it into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot, and the priest would take for himself whatever the fork brought up. This is how they treated all the Israelites who came to Shiloh. 15 But even before the fat was burned, the servant of the priest would come and say to the man who was sacrificing, “Give the priest some meat to roast; he won’t accept boiled meat from you, but only raw.” 16 If the man said to him, “Let the fat be burned up first, and then take whatever you want,” the servant would then answer, “No, hand it over now; if you don’t, I’ll take it by force.”17 This sin of the young men was very great in the Lord’s sight, for they were treating the Lord’s offering with contempt. 

1-2) Why are Eli’s sons called wicked men? (12) 

a) The sons of Eli were wicked: 

Literal meaning: sons of Belial (a pagan god)

They were acting like children of a pagan god (Satan) 

They were worthless and evil. 

b) They had no regard for the Lord: 

Meaning: They did not know the Lord: 

They did not have personal relationship with Him.

Growing in believers’ home does not guarantee children’s knowledge of God. 

Deep personal relationship cannot be inherited to children. 

Superficial information about God is not genuine knowledge of God. 

Even confession of faith does not guarantee their saving faith. (Mt 7:21-23)

1-3) What was the practice of the priests with the people at that time? (13-14) 

a) They took whatever the fork brought up. (v14) 

During the offering, only certain portion was given to the priest, (Ex 29:27-28)

But they just took any portion, which is not allowed by the Law. 

They did not have absolute attitude toward the word of God. 

1-4) How did Eli’s sons disregard for the Lord? (15-17) 

a) They took raw meat before burning up the fat. (v15,16)

They must burn the fat which is the portion given to God.(v16) 

The idea was that God should always get the best and first. 

But in their pride, the sons of Eli took a portion before they burned the fat.

It was against the Law to take the priest’s portion before they burned the fat.

b) They used their force.(v16)

Their greed was so great that they used the threat of violence to get what they wanted.

Sacrifice and Offering is all about God. 

But they thought it was all about them. 

They did not know the basics of offering.  

They were not trained/qualified to be priests.

1-5) How was that practice different from the word of God? (Exo 29:27-28, Lev 7:28-35) 

Exo 29:27-28  27“Consecrate those parts of the ordination ram that belong to Aaron and his sons: the breast that was waved and the thigh that was presented. 28 This is always to be the regular share from the Israelites for Aaron and his sons. It is the contribution the Israelites are to make to the Lord from their fellowship offerings.

a) Letter of the Law regarding division of the sacrifice to the Lord.

A portion was given to God

A portion was given to the priest: the waved breast, the thigh (Exo 29:27-28)

A portion was kept by the one bringing the offering. 

b) Spirit of the Law

Love for Him (Deut 6:5) 

Fear and Reverence to the Lord (and the word of God) (Deut 6:13)

c) Reality of People’s obedience to God. 

400 years later after the Law of Moses was given:

Priests are not obeying God’s Law. 

They do whatever they want to do. 

They did not love or fear God. No reverence of the word of God. 

They pick and choose to follow the word of God. 

They changed the word of God according to their own desires. 

d) Application

Think about our practices in the church/home which is (not) in the Scripture!

Do we obey the word of God with absolute attitude? 

Or are we doing whatever it is convenient to us?

Aren’t we the product of our cultures or of the word of God? 

1-6) Why was their sin very great in God’s sight? (17)

a) Willful Disobedience to the Law of God: 

Arrogance, Greed, threat of Violence.

Theses are self-destructive sins which are bad.

b) Misleading people: 

Blocking people to come to God. 

Give them impression that it is okay to disobey God

They committed others-destroying sins which are the greater sin. (Matthew 18:6-7).

c) Treating Lord’s offering with contempt

Attitude toward God: Contempt; no fear of God. 

Attitude toward the Law of God: disobedience, No reverence. 

Priests, Teachers, Ministers will be judged by God by a higher standard. (Js 3:1)

2. Read verses 18-21. What was Samuel doing? (18) What does Hannah do for Samuel? (19) How did God bless Elkanah’s and Hannah’s family? (20,21)

2-1) Read verses 18-21.  

18 But Samuel was ministering before the Lord—a boy wearing a linen ephod. 19 Each year his mother made him a little robe and took it to him when she went up with her husband to offer the annual sacrifice. 20 Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife, saying, “May the Lord give you children by this woman to take the place of the one she prayed for and gave to the Lord.” Then they would go home. 21 And the Lord was gracious to Hannah; she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.

2-2) What was Samuel doing? (18) 

a) But Samuel: 

Direct contrast between Eli’s son and Samuel: Wicked vs. Faithful

God raises up someone like Samuel. 

God’s work continues when ministers are wicked.

b) Wearing a linen ephod: (v18)

He was given a linen ephod, which was a priestly garment (Exodus 39:27-29).

c) Ministering before the Lord: What Samuel did: 

He had small charges, as setting up lights, laying up vestments, learning music, etc.

Though a child, Samuel is serving the Lord better than the sons of Eli are. 

2-3) What does Hannah do for Samuel? (19)

a) His mother made him a little robe each year: 

She continually showed her love for her son. 

b) She came to offer annual sacrifice. 

She continually showed Samuel her faith and obedience to God 

2-4) How did God bless Elkanah’s and Hannah’s family? (20,21)

a) Eli blessed Elkanah and Hannah.

b) The Lord was gracious to Hannah

She gave birth to 3 more sons, and 2 daughters! 

God blessed her so much.

3. Read verses 22-26. What did Eli hear about his sons? (22) What did Eli say to his sons regarding their sins? (23-25a) How did his sons respond to him and why? (2:25b) How did the boy Samuel continue to grow? (26)

3-1) Read verses 22-26. 

22 Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; it is not a good report that I hear spreading among the Lord’s people. 25 If a man sins against another man, God may mediate for him; but if a man sins against the Lord, who will intercede for him?” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death. 

26 And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the Lord and with men. 

3-2) What did Eli hear about his sons? (22) 

a) Now Eli was very old. 

He was very old and weak not only physically but also spiritually as well. 

He was not doing well as spiritual leader (high priest)

b) Great sins of Eli’s sons. (Priests’ sin) 

i) About everything his sons were doing to all Israel was sin. 

Disobeying the Law of God due to Greed

Misleading people for Offering due to Pride and Ignorance

ii) About Sexual immorality due to lust.  

They slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tabernacle. 

The women: workers at the tabernacle (Ex 38:8)

3-3) What did Eli say to his sons regarding their sins? (23-25a)

a) He heard everything his sons did and rebuked his sons

He had to hear from someone else because he did not know what they were doing. 

b) But Eli just talked to them. 

He should have taken appropriate discipline measure to correct their sin problems.

But He did not do anything. 

They should repent of their sins and present guilt offering and sin offering. 

c) Eli was concerned about his own reputation instead of reputation of God.

He did not care about God’s name although it was despised. 

He did not honor God, but himself and his sons. 

d) Eli said, “If a man sins against the Lord, who will intercede for him?”

If one man sins against another, God will judge him. 

But if a man sins against the Lord, who will intercede for him? 

We have an advocate, Jesus Christ. (1Jn2:1)

Jesus intercedes for us when we sin against the Lord!

3-4) How did his sons respond to him and why? (2:25b) 

a) They did not listen to their father’s rebuke. 

b) Why? 

Because they were wicked. They did not want to repent.

Because God decided to punish them for their wickedness. 

God’s judgment for the wicked was right and just. 

3-5) How did the boy Samuel continue to grow? (26)

a) He grew up in the presence of the Lord. (v21)

Grew up physically and in the presence of men, especially Eli. 

Grew up spiritually in the presence of the Lord. 

b) And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the Lord and men: 

The author repeatedly shows us the contrast between the wicked sons of Eli and pure boy 


Eli failed to be a godly father to his two sons. 

But he trained Samuel as a godly man. 

4. Read verses 27-29. Who came to Eli? (27) What duty and privilege was Eli reminded of? (27, 28) Why did God rebuke Eli? (29) 

4-1) Read verses 27-36.  

27 Now a man of God came to Eli and said to him, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Did I not clearly reveal 

myself to your father’s house when they were in Egypt under Pharaoh? 28 I chose your father out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to burn incense, and to wear an ephod in my presence. I also gave your father’s house all the offerings made with fire by the Israelites. 29 Why do you scorn my sacrifice and offering that I prescribed for my dwelling? Why do you honor your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?’

4-2) Who came to Eli? (27)

a) A man of God

Scripture did not mention of his name except his origin: he is from God. 

God has raised a man up to speak to Eli and Eli’s whole family.

4-3) What duty and privilege was Eli reminded of? (27, 28)

Remind him of what God had done for him.

God clearly revealed himself to Eli’s father when they were in Egypt.

God revealed His power and glory to them through numerous miracles and training. 

The father referred to is Aaron, who was the first High Priest. 

b) Remind him of what are the duties of the priests

i) To go up to my alter

The altar was the place where atoning blood was both shed and applied.

Priests bring sacrifices for atonement of sin and worship of God. 

ii) To burn incense

It is a picture of prayer. 

The smoke and the scent of the incense would ascend up to the heavens. 

The priest was to pray for the nation (Intercessory prayer) 

The Priest was to lead the Israel in prayer. (Representative prayer)

iii) To wear an ephod: 

This special garment is to reveal for glory and for beauty (Exodus 28:2). 

The Priests are to represent the majesty, glory, and beauty of God to the people.

iv) All the offerings made by fire: 

To receive the offerings of God’s people

4-4) Why did God rebuke Eli? (29)

a) He scorned God’s law for sacrifice and offering

i) Eli had a double accountability for his sons 

As a Father: he is responsible his sons’ rebellion against God’s law.

As the High Priest: Eli is responsible for everything in the tabernacle

ii) Ignoring God’s prescription for tabernacle 

Extremely dangerous: Risking our soul; eternally.

Ignoring Medical Doctors’ prescription is dangerous.

Risking your physical life: temporary 

Unthinkable; unacceptable 

God will ignore those who ignore His law. 

How often this happens even in the church: How sinful we are. 

b) He honored his sons more than God. 

i) Disobey God’s law is to dishonor God. 

As a priest, allowing people to disobey God is to dishonor God.


ii) Honor children more than God.

Let children do whatever they want to do is to dishonor God. 

Allowing children to disobey God is to dishonor God. 

Not disciplining children according to the law is to dishonor God.

iii) He honored his sons with worldly love, not spiritual love. 

If he loved his sons spiritually, he should discipline his sons to God’s law. 

Parents are responsible for every single disobedient behavior of children.

God commanded parents to disciple children to obey His law. (Eph 6:4)

iv) He loved his sons more than God. 

If he loved the Lord with all his heart

He would not allow priests to disobey His law in His Dwelling.

He should have dismissed disqualified priests from the tabernacle. 

5. Read verses 30-36. What did God declare to Eli? (30) Why? (30b) What happens to those who honor God? (30b) To those who despise him? (30b) What curse did God pronounce upon his family and his sons? (31-34, 36) What kind of priest would God raise in their place? (35) 

5-1) Read verses 30-36

30 “Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that your house and your father’s house would minister before me forever. ’ But now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained. 31 The time is coming when I will cut short your strength and the strength of your father’s house, so that there will not be an old man in your family line 32 and you will see distress in my dwelling. Although good will be done to Israel, in your family line there will never be an old man. 33 Every one of you that I do not cut off from my altar will be spared only to blind your eyes with tears and to grieve your heart, and all your descendants will die in the prime of life.

34 “‘And what happens to your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, will be a sign to you—they will both die on the same day. 35 I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always. 36 Then everyone left in your family line will come and bow down before him for a piece of silver and a crust of bread and plead, “Appoint me to some priestly office so I can have food to eat. ”’”

5-2) What did God declare to Eli? (30) Why? (30b)

a) In the Past

Your house would minister before me forever (Exo 29:9)

God blessed Aaron’s house by His sovereign grace to be His priests for His glory.

b) But Now

“Far be it from me”. 

Your house would not minister before me any longer. 

God did not remove the priesthood from the line of Aaron, 

but due to Eli’s serious sin, God removed it from the line of Eli. 

c) Fulfillment: 

This was fulfilled many years later, in Solomon’s day (1 Kings 2:27)

Abiathar (from Eli’s family) was deposed as High Priest during the time of Solomon.

Zadok (who was from Eleazar the son of Aaron) replaced Eli’s family as High Priest. 

5-3) What happens to those who honor God? (30b) To those who despise him? (30b) 

But now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.

a) To those who honor God: I will honor

b) To those who despise God, they will be disdained.

c) What is Honor?

Literal meaning: to be heavy: 

General meaning: Respect, Esteem, Exalt God highly

d) How to Honor God

Obey His words (with fear and tremble: absolute attitude)

Put God in the absolute standard of every area of your life. 

Put God in the absolute standard of good and evil. 

Do what is good and shun what is evil.

e) Why must we honor God

Because God is worthy of our honor: 

Majesty of God demands honor for all creation. 

Because God made us to honor Him: 

Purpose of creation is to honor God.

Because God saved us to honor Him: 

Purpose of salvation is for His Glory (Honor).

Because dishonor God is serious sin.

If we do not honor God, God will disdain us 

5-4) What curse did God pronounce upon his family and his sons? (31-34, 36)

a) His Family

i) I will cut short your strength (v31) 

The house of Eli would be left powerless and without strength.

ii) No old man in your family line (v31b,32): will die in the prime of life (v33b)

Repeated 3 times

God will not bless the descendants of Eli with a long life. 

iii) Will see distress/ spared to blind your eyes with tears and to grieve your heart.

the descendants of Eli will not have blessed lives. 

b) His sons

A Sign: God gave Eli an immediate sign to demonstrate His truthfulness.

Both sons will die on the same day.

Eli’s descendents will beg food from a faithful priest.

Eli’s sons were greedy and stealing from God’s people. 

5-5) What kind of priest would God raise in their place? (35) 

a) I will raise up for myself a faithful priest.

He will do according to what is in my heart and mind. 

He will minister before my anointed one always. 

b) Who is the faithful priest predicted here? 

This promise was partially fulfilled in Samuel. 

Samuel functioned as a godly priest, effectively replacing the ungodly sons of Eli.

The promise was partially fulfilled in Zadok, in the days of Solomon, 

Zadok replaced Eli’s family line in the priesthood.

The promise was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ

Jesus is a priest forever according to the order of Melchezedek (Heb7:12-17).

In Conclusion, God wants us to honor Him more than our children through obeying his words, and through disciplining our children to obey his words. We must have absolute attitude toward His words so that we can honor Him through our obedience. May God strengthen us with the Holy Spirit so that we can bear the fruit of obedience in our lives. 



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