Bring the Whole Tithe

Nov 18, 2012

Malachi 3:6-18

Malachi 3:6-18 Question.docx���


Malachi 3:6-18

Key verse: 10

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” 

Read verses 6 - 9.  Why are the descendants of Jacob not destroyed? (1:2, 6) What did the Lord tell them to do? (7a)  What would happen if they listen to God? (7a) What did they ask the Lord, and what was the Lord’s answer? (7b-8) What happens to those who steal from God? (9) 

Read verse 10 - 12.  What does God tell the Israelites to do? (10a) What does God tell us to test Him in? (10b) How much does God promise to bless the Israelites if they obey (10c-12)

Read verses 13 - 15. What did  the people say against God? (13) What did they say about serving God? (14)  What did they observe occurring in the world? (15)

Read verses 16 - 18. Who does God listen to and hear? (16a) Who is written a scroll of remembrance? (16b) Whose will they be? (17a) What else will God do to those who fear Him? (17b, Ex 19:5-6) What are the two groups and what will we see? (18)



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