Do Not Judge

Dec 7, 2014

Luke 6:37-42


Do Not Judge

Luke 6:37-42

Key verse 6:37a

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.”

1. Read verses 37-38. What happens when we do not judge or condemn others? (37a). What happens when we forgive others? (37b) What happens when we give to others? (38a) What happens when we use a good measure in giving to others? What do you think we can learn from these instructions? (38b)

2. Read verses 39-40. What happens when the blind lead the blind? (39) How do students become like their teacher? (40) What do you think Jesus wants us to become through his parable of the teacher and the student? What do you think Jesus means by being “fully trained”?

3. Read verses 41-42. What is Jesus speaking about in this parable? (41) Why might it be easy for us to see a speck of sawdust in another person’s eye rather than notice a plank in our own eye? What happens when we fail to see the plank in our own eye? (42a) What should we do before attempting to remove the speck from our brother’s eye? (42b) How do you think Jesus’ lesson here can be helpful to us in life?



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