Walk before me faithfully

Aug 30, 2015

Genesis 17:1-27



Genesis 17:1-27

Key verse 1

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.”

1. Read verses 1-2. How did God introduce Himself to Abram? What Hebrew word is used for God’s name in this passage? Why might God have introduced Himself in this way?

2. Why did the LORD appear to Abram when he was 99 years old and what might his life have been like for the last 13 years? (16:1-3; 15-16; 17:1, 18, 24) What did the Lord say to Abram? Why did God say, “walk before me faithfully and be blameless”?

3. Read verses 3-8. How did Abram respond? What is the significance of God’s changing Abram’s name to Abraham? How did God affirm and expand His covenant promises? What is the significance of an "everlasting covenant" and an "everlasting possession"?

4. Read verses 9-14. What did God tell Abraham to do as a sign and seal of the covenant? (9-14)

5. Read verses 15-27. How did God bless Sarah? What was Abraham's response? What specific promise did God give Abraham concerning his family? Why did God choose to give the spiritual blessing to Isaac instead of to Ishmael? (19-22) How did Abraham demonstrate his belief in God and in God's promises? (23-27)



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