What is the Kingdom of God Like?

Nov 1, 2015

Luke 13:10-21


What is the Kingdom of God Like?

Luke 13:10-21

Key Verse 13:18,19

  1. Read vs. 10-13. What was Jesus doing on the Sabbath? What was wrong with a woman who was there? What did Jesus do for her?

  2. Read v.14. Why was the synagogue leader “indignant” about the woman receiving healing? Why did he (and some others) care so much about the “Sabbath”?

  3. Read vs.15-17 Why did Jesus call these men “hypocrites”? What point did Jesus make through the healing of this woman? Why were Jesus’ opponents “humiliated” by his words? Why were the people “delighted”? Why are good shepherds so important?

  4. Read vs.18-19. Why did Jesus suddenly change topics and begin discussing the Kingdom of God? Describe the details of Jesus’ parable. What is the meaning of this parable? How does it relate to the previous incident involving the woman and the synagogue leader?

  5. Read vs. 20-21. How would a disciple of Jesus and/or a Jewish audience understand “yeast” from the Old Testament scriptures? What did Jesus equate yeast to in Luke 12:1? What similarities does this parable have with the preceding one? What does this passage teach us about Jesus’ concern for the “Kingdom of God”?

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