Stand Firm

Jun 26, 2016

Luke 21:5-19


Stand Firm

Luke 21:5-19

Key Verse 19

“Stand firm, and you will win life.”

1. Read verses 5-7. What do these remarks reveal about the disciples? (5) What did Jesus teach them? What were their two questions?

2. Read verses 8-11. Why did Jesus warn about being deceived? (8) How can we discern false messiahs? What must happen before the end comes? (9) What are some other signs that the end is coming? (10-11)

3. Read verses 12-19. Before any earth shaking events take place, what will happen to those who are faithful to Jesus? (12) What will be the result of this persecution? (13) How can we overcome fear? (14-15; 18-19) How can we be witnesses? (15) Describe other painful sufferings believers will have to endure. (16-17) What must we do? (19a) In what respect do you stand firm now? What is the reward if we continue to stand firm? (19b)



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