Jesus Is Crucified

Oct 29, 2011

Luke 23:1-56

Jesus, Remember Me�

Step 4


Luke 23:1-56 

Key Verse 23:33-34

When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

1. Verses 1-25 describe Jesus’ trials before political rulers. During the proceedings, Jesus remained silent except to answer Pilate’s question, “Are you the king of the Jews?” What does Jesus’ answer (“Yes, it is as you say”) tell us about him? (John 18:36-37; 4:22-24) 

2. In verses 26-31 Jesus prayed for those who wept for him. What does this passage tell us about Jesus? 

3. Draw in your mind the picture of Jesus crucified in the middle of the two criminals in verses 32-33. What does this scene tell us about Jesus? 

4. Read verse 34. Who were “they”? In what respect didn’t they know what they were doing? What does Jesus’ prayer tell us about him? 

5. Read verses 35-39. People asked Jesus to save himself. Yet, why did Jesus not save himself?

6. Read verses 40-43 and think about: 1) the man’s rebuke to the other criminal; 2) his request to Jesus; and 3) Jesus’ answer to the man’s request. What can we learn from the man who said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”? 

7. Read verses 44-56. What do the following indicate about Jesus’ sufferings and death on a tree?  1) The sun stopped shining (for a time); 2) the curtain of the temple was torn in two; 3) “Surely this was a righteous man.”

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.

Jesus Is Crucified

Oct 29, 2011

Luke 23:1-56

Jesus, Remember Me�

Step 4


Luke 23:1-56 

Key Verse 23:33-34

When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Intro: In today’s passage Jesus is crucified. He died to forgive our sins and give eternal life.

1. Verses 1-25 describe Jesus’ trials before political rulers. During the proceedings, Jesus remained silent except to answer Pilate’s question, “Are you the king of the Jews?” What does Jesus’ answer (“Yes, it is as you say”) tell us about him? (John 18:36-37; 4:22-24) 

** “Yes, it is as you say.” Jesus confirmed he is the king of the Jews. And his kingdom is not a worldly or political kingdom. 

The phrase, “king of the Jews” shows that he is not just any king, but the king sent by God to save his people. 

Jesus established his kingdom by giving up his life, rather than worldly means.

2. In verses 26-31 Jesus prayed for those who wept for him. What does this passage tell us about Jesus? 

** He loves us. He helped them to see their sinful nature, rather than garnering sympathy or pity because we need to be saved from our sin, rather than save Jesus. Jesus died to save us. 

3. Draw in your mind the picture of Jesus crucified in the middle of the two criminals in verses 32-33. What does this scene tell us about Jesus? 

** Just as he was born, he died in the lowest of the lowest place to save all people. (consider Isaiah 53:12).

4. Read verse 34. Who were “they”? In what respect didn’t they know what they were doing? What does Jesus’ prayer tell us about him? 

** Referring to all people, because we’re all sinners.

** Jesus’ prayer shows that they really didn’t know what they were doing. 

** Jesus understands our condition and came to help us. 

5. Read verses 35-39. People asked Jesus to save himself. Yet, why did Jesus not save himself?

** As the king (which serves others), Jesus died to save others. He is sacrifical.

6. Read verses 40-43 and think about: 1) the man’s rebuke to the other criminal; 2) his request to Jesus; and 3) Jesus’ answer to the man’s request. What can we learn from the man who said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”? 


1) He knew that he deserves punishment for his sins and that Jesus was innocent. 

2) He believed in Jesus as the king who has a spiritual kingdom that was coming, and he asked for Jesus’ mercy.

3) Jesus accepted his request. Jesus honors our repentance and belief. 

** We learn about the need for repentance. 

7. Read verses 44-56. What do the following indicate about Jesus’ sufferings and death on a tree?  1) The sun stopped shining (for a time); 2) the curtain of the temple was torn in two; 3) “Surely this was a righteous man.”  

** 1) The rest of creation acknowledged what was happening

2) The curtain separated the holy place from the most holy place in the Temple. The most holy place was where the ark of the covenant was placed, where God dwelt and had fellowship with the people. Only the high priest was allowed once a year, to offer blood for the atonement of the sins of the people. Jesus’ sufferings and death removed the barrier between sinful people and God. He opened the way of reconciliation and fellowship with God. He offered his own blood for the sins of the world.

3) His sufferings and death revealed his righteousness—that he came from God.

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

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