In His Heart

May 15, 2022

Matthew 5:27-37


Matthew 5:27-37

Key Verse 29

“But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”


  1. How does Jesus expand on the commandment: You shall not commit adultery?

  2. What should you do if your eye or hand causes you to sin? Why?

  3. Should we actually tear out our eyes and cut off our hands if they cause us to sin? Why or why not?

  4. What will happen if our sinning goes unchecked?

  5. Why is so much emphasis put on the heart? (Proverbs 4:23)


  1. How does Jesus expand on the law of divorce?

  2. How does the church in America view divorce today? Does it align with Jesus’ teaching?

  3. What is the punishment for adultery? (Deut 22:22)


  1. How does Jesus expand on the concept of oaths?

  2. Why is it wrong to take an oath by Heaven, Earth, or Jerusalem?

  3. Should we take oaths? Why or why not? (v36)

  4. How should we make oaths? (James 4:13-17)

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