Armed For Battle

Jan 26, 2003

Joshua 3:1-4:24


Armed for battle

Joshua 3:1-4:24

Key Verse 4:13

About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the LORD to the plains of Jericho for war.

This passage teaches us that the Lord is always with us fighting the Lord's battle, so as we participate in His battle, he would  help us to fight the Lord's battle and win.

1. Read 1-4. Describe: 1) the time; 2) the location; and 3) the contents of the orders Joshua issued to the people. What is the significance of the "ark of the covenant" (cf. Deu 10:1-5; 1Ki 8:9; Heb 9:4; Exodus 23:20-25:22)? What wisdom is there for us to learn in waging the Lord's battle?

** The time - three days after Joshua had ordered the Israelites to have their supplies ready, for the purpose of crossing the Jordan River. Read Joshua 1:11.

Joshua 1:11 "Go through the camp and tell the people, 'Get your supplies ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.'"

This "three days" reminds us of Jesus who came back to life after three days. Jesus kept talking about this to his disciples, but Jesus' enemies did not like it. 

Matthew 27:63 "Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.'

** The Location - right in front of the Jordan River. This Jordan River refers to death which we need to cross before we enter the real promised land, that is, the eternal presence of God, which is the ultimate Garden of Eden (delight). 

Psalms 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Characteristically, to many (unbelievers), this location is the place where all of their hopes finally come to an end, making all the work of their hands come to nothing. But to the Israelites who believe in the Lord, this place is the beginning of the ultimate conquest that will unfold as they continue their real journey on. 

** The contents of the orders: 1) "see" the ark carried by the priests; 2) "follow" it with reverent fear. 

** This ark is significant in two ways: 

1) What it stands for: 

It shows us the frame for perfect happiness, the way in which we can enjoy the life, and have it to the full, for the ark contains Moses' Ten Commandments, and the decalogue shows us the way for us to love the Lord God and love our neighbors so we can receive from the Lord all that is necessary for life, and fully share it with our neighbors. 

2) What we should do with it: 

It is called the ark of "covenant". Covenant requires two parties, that is, God and yourself. So we need to commit ourselves to and go by these frames. 

** The wisdom for us to learn is that we must "see" the ark, and "follow" it. 

Seeing part is first, and following the second. "See" also has the meaning of "understanding". Following has to do with obedience. And we must do it with awesome respect of the Lord, for if we do he will do only what is amazing. 

2. Read v. 5. Why was it necessary for the Israelites to consecrate themselves prior to witnessing the "amazing things" the Lord was to perform (Mat 5:8; 13:22)?

** It is to help our minds not be cluttered, but rather receptive to what the Lord is going to do, so that we would all understand and deeply appreciate the Lord's goodness, and participate in the Lord's battle with a joyful mind. 

3. Read vs. 3:6-4:18. When did the water from upstream stop flowing? When did the waters return to their place and run at flood stage as before? Why did the Lord perform this miracle (3:10; 4:13)? What wisdom is there for us to learn in fighting the spiritual war? 

** It stopped flowing when the priests (who represent both God and [believing] men) began to step into the waters "by faith" [in what God via Joshua had promised.]

** It started to come back again as long as the ark of the covenant stood in the way. 

** This teaches us the wisdom that as long as we by faith in the Lord's promise obey God's commands, God gives us the victory over all of our enemies, even the enemy death.

4. Read vs. 19-24. Joshua 4:24 describes the ultimate purpose of the miracles concerning the two bodies of waters, the Red Sea and the Jordan River. Why is it important for all to know that the hand of the Lord is powerful (cf. Rm 5:6; 1Th 4:14)? Why is it necessary for one to fear the Lord (Pro 10:27; 14:27; 15:33; 19:23; 22:4)? 

** It's ultimate purpose is universal in nature, in that the Lord God desired to teach the good news of the salvation by faith in the Lord (Jesus Christ) to all peoples on earth, for the gospel represents the power to save all from all enemies including death. 

Remember the importance of passing the message from one generation to another by means of teaching, especially focusing on who God is, how much God can do, and therefore how we must relate ourselves to Him. 

** It is important for us to overcome the power of sin and death. 

** It is also necessary for us to have life, and have it to the full. 

The end. 

** Write a Bible testimony on the ultimate purpose of the Lord's battle, and the wisdom to follow in fighting the Lord's battle. 



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