O Sun, Stand Still

Mar 9, 2003

Joshua 10:1-12:24


O Sun, Stand Still!

Joshua 9:1-12:24

Key Verse 10:12

On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: "O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon."

This passage shows us: a) the enemy Satan's schemes; and b) how we can defeat the enemy's schemes all the time. 

Read two verses as a help: 

2 Corinthians 2:11 

In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.

Ephesians 6:11 

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Our battle is not only against visible enemies but also invisible enemies, especially the enemy called the Devil (also known as Satan). And we should not be unaware of the enemies' schemes. The key is to rely on the Lord, and approach the enemies only in and through the Lord. Otherwise, you lose even without yourself knowing it. 

1. Read vs. 1-13. V. 4 says that the Gibeonites resorted to a "ruse" to get the Israelites to sign a treaty with them. What does this show us about the Gibeonites (Jn 8:44)? 

** This shows that they are children of the devil. They look smooth, compliant, and subservient. They look peace-loving. But they are a bunch of liars. They speak a bunch of lies. 

Notice that they are close to us even if they pose as harmless. 

2. Read vs. 14-15 and describe the basis on which the so-called "men of Israel" decided to enter into a lasting relationship with the Gibeonites. What warnings are there for us to heed in getting into a binding relationship with unbelievers (2Co 6:14; Eph 6:10-18)?

** Sampling of "their" provisions, instead of the result of their inquiry to the Lord. 

** Do not go by the means provided by the enemies; rather go by the good old means, that is, prayer and the word of the Lord. See how the Lord won the Lord's battle against the enemy Satan by relying on the word of God, rather than leaning on his own understanding.

WE also should not bind ourselves to unbelievers. We should not be yoked together with unbelieving people. Many date with unbelieving people and end up getting into binding relationships like marriage, by simply relying on what they present to their senses like the kind of job they have, the house they live in, the kind of car they are driving, and the smooth talk they are uttering, etc. But they do not offer prayers to the Lord, to get help from the Lord or the servants of the Lord. 

3. Read vs. 16-27. What can we learn from "the leaders" who decided to honor the treaty even if it was based on the Gibeonites' deception (Eph 4:25; 2Co 1:20)? 

** They kept their words of promise. Word is very important. From them we learn how we should be responsible for what we say to the unbelievers, so that God's name would not be dishonored among the unbelievers by what we say. 

4. Skim through 10:1-11 and compare this passage with Genesis 15:16. The leader of the five Amorite kings is called "Adoni-Zedek" which means "the lord is righteous." What does this show us about these kings (2co 11:15)?  

** These kings represent false religions. They are the worst kind of people and yet presented themselves as the right bunch. This is really despicable. They are agents of the devil.

5. Read v. 12-15. It was "on the day" the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel that Joshua offered this unusual prayer topic. What can we learn here from Joshua (2Ki 19:31; Pro 23:17; Rom 12:11)? 

** He was zealous in carrying out the Lord's will and purpose, the will to rid the land of these gurus of all that is false.

6. Read vs. 16-28. What is the importance of one's "neck"? What did Joshua ask the army commanders to do with the necks of the enemy kings? Why? What can we learn here from Joshua (2Ti 1:7; 2:3)?

** Neck connects a man's brain (head) with the rest of his body. Man's brain controls man's body. So the neck is the key to proper functioning of man's body. 

** It was to train them to be bold and brave in fighting against the enemies of God. 

** V. 25. 

** 2Ti 1:7; 2:3

7. Skim through 10:29-12:24 and describe the way in which the Lord helped Joshua and his army to capture and defeat: a) Southern cities (10:42); and b) Northern kings especially the Anakites (11:6,20). What lesson(s) is there for us to learn in waging the Lord's battle? 

** Regarding the southern cities: the Lord helped them to make preemptive strikes.

** Regarding the Northern kings: the Lord helped the Israelites to defeat the enemies despite their sophisticated tools/equipment like horses and chariots. 

** Anakites were defeated at the last minute, that is, at the moment when the Israelites' morale was at its highest.

** 1) We need to move on continually (Jos 10:29,31,34), knowing that the Lord fights for us.

2) Victory does not rest on the number of horses and chariots but on the Lord (Deu 20;1). 

3) By commanding the Israelites to hamstring horses and burn down chariots, the Lord God helped the Israelites not to build armies with tanks and missiles, but rather rely on God who is the real chariot and real horseman of Israel (2Ki 2:12). 

4) Anakites are strong and tall (Deu 1:28; 2:10,21; 9;2). But victory does not rest on man's might. Zec 4:6. 

The end. 



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