Daniel's Prayer

May 4, 2003

Daniel 6:1-28



Daniel 6:1-28

Key 6:10

1. Read vs. 1-5 and compare this passage with the remainder of the chapter. Who do you think enabled Daniel to perform so well (Daniel 2:19-23)? Yet how did Daniel practically bring God's help into his life (10)?

2. Read vs. 6-9. They went to the king "as a group" (11, 15). What does their practice show us about them? What do you think is their real problem (1Co 3:3; 2Co 12:20; Gal 5:20)? How can we overcome a problem like this (2Co 10:12; Gen 1:28; 1Pe 5:6)?

3. Read vs. 10-11. This passage describes Daniel's life of prayer. What do the following expressions teach us about prayer? 

1) When Daniel learned that the decree had been published he went home to his upstairs room; 

2) Where the windows opened toward Jerusalem (1Ki 8:29; 2Ch 7:15); 

3) Three times a day; 

4) He got down on his knees and prayed; 

5) Giving thanks;

6) To “his” God just as he had done before; and

7) Praying and asking God for help. 

4. Read vs. 12-28. The expression "living God" is repeated twice (20, 26). What does the word "living" suggest to us about God? As "the living God" how does he practically help his children? 

** Write a Bible testimony about one thing you learned and decided to do re: prayer. 



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