I am the good Shepherd

Aug 24, 2003

John 10:1-21



John 10:1-21

Key Verse 10:11

1. Read vs. 1-2. Jesus says that the one who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate is a thief and a robber. What does it mean for one to enter the sheep pen "by the gate" (7; Mark 9:37; Gal 2:20; Isa 43:4)? What does this passage teach us about the first condition a good shepherd must satisfy?

2. Read vs. 3-5. What do the following expressions tell us about the way of shepherding?

1) The watchman opens the gate for him; 

2) The sheep listen to his voice;

3) He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out; 

4) He goes on ahead of them; 

5) His sheep follow him; 

6) They know his voice; and

7) They never follow a stranger.

3. Read vs. 6-10. What do the following words show us about the purpose of shepherding?

1) Whoever enters through me will be saved;

2) He will come in and go out and find pasture; and

3) I have come that they have life and have it to the full. 

How is this purpose contrasted with the purpose for which the thief comes? 

4. Read vs. 11-13. How is the hired hand different from the good shepherd? The word "wolf" is repeated twice. What do words like "wolf", "attacks", or "scatters" show us about the practical aspects of shepherding? 

5. Read v. 14. This passage describes two relationships. What puts the relationships together? How are the two relationships related to one another? What does this passage teach us about the way for a shepherd to keep his relationship with his sheep "right"? 

6. Read v. 15. Who are "other" sheep? What does the expression "there shall be one flock under one shepherd" show us about Jesus' vision? 

7. Read vs. 16-21. This passage indicates that laying down one’s life for sheep is never a losing proposition. Why? 



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