Jesus high priestly prayer I

Sep 7, 2003

John 17:1-5



(Shepherd’s prayer for himself)

John 17:1-5

Key Verse 17:1b

(Read John 13:1-16:33 for a background)

1. Read v. 1a. What does "he looked toward 'heaven'" mean? The author distinguishes the word "prayed" from "said" or "looked". What does this distinction suggest to us about Jesus' life of prayer? 

2. Read v. 1b. What does the word "time" indicate about man's life under the sun (Heb 9:27; 1Co 7:29; Psa 90:10; Jam 4:14)? What does "'the' time" mean to Jesus (Jn 12:23-28)? Jesus said, "Father, the time has come" instead of just "the time has come". What does this tell us about the way Jesus lived his life thus far?

3. Read v. 1c and memorize the first prayer topic for himself, "Glorify your son that your son may glorify you." What does "glorify" mean? How does this prayer request compare itself with the nature of the "time" Jesus was facing? What does this prayer teach us about: 1) Jesus' purpose of life; and 2) Jesus' view of the cross (of mission)?

4. Read v. 2. The word "granted" presupposes a transaction that was cut between the Father and the Son 'prior to' the coming of "the time". What did the Father grant Jesus, his Son? Why did he give him this authority? How did Jesus use this authority thus far? What does this passage teach us about: 1) Jesus' identity; and 2) the way to use authority (Mat 20:25-28)?  

5. Read v. 2 again and compare the transaction described in v. 2 with Jesus' prayer request described in v. 1c. How are the two related? 

6. Read v. 3. What is eternal life? In what respect is Jesus' definition of "eternal" life "different" from the way(s) in which many try to acquire it? 

7. Read vs. 4-5. What does Jesus mean by: 1) "'the' work"; and 2) "'the' glory" Jesus had with the Father before the world began? What does this passage tell us about: 1) Jesus' origin; and 2) His life of mission here on earth? 

** Write a Bible testimony on one thing you learned about the way for you to live "one" life here on earth (as a shepherd). 



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