Appoint elders in every town

Oct 3, 2004

Titus 1:1-16

Appoint elders in every town

Appoint elders in every town

Titus 1:1-16

Key Verse 5

This passage is a good guide for the pioneering of all college campuses in the whole world. 


In verses 1-3, Paul explains that the hope of eternal life rests on the promise of God who cannot lie.  He also states that God gave us this promise “before the beginning of time.”  What does Paul’s statement tell us about: 1) God; and 2) the hope we have in the Lord?

** God makes the end known from the beginning, so that we would consider his plan of perfect redemption and never entertain a relativistic idea about his plan of redemption. Isaiah 46:10. 

** It tells us about the “certainty” of the hope of eternal life. 


In 2 Corinthians 2:13, Paul calls Titus “a brother.”  Yet in verse 4, Paul calls Titus “my true son.”  What might Paul have meant by calling Titus his true son? 

** He might have meant that it was Paul who planted faith in the Lord in Titus, so that Titus was saved. Titus is a brother in that Jesus saved both Paul and  Titus through the common faith in the Lord, both Paul and Titus are brothers in the Lord born of the same God. But Titus is his true son in that it was through Paul’s prayer that Titus came to have “faith” in the Lord.  


Do some research on Crete. Then consider Paul’s charge to Titus in verse 5.  Paul directed Titus to appoint elders in every town.  What can we learn from Paul?  (Mark 1:38; Luke 8:1)

** Wherever people (souls) are found there is the need for evangelism. For this reason Jesus asked his disciples to make disciples of “all” nations. This then tells us that we better pray to pioneer all college campuses in 230 nations. 


Read verses 6-9 and prepare a checklist of an elder’s qualifications.  Why did Paul come up with such a detailed list? (v. 7) What can we learn from Paul in establishing overseers?

** There are 16 items on the check list. 

An elder must be blameless,

 The husband of but one wife, 

A man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. 

Not overbearing, 

Not quick-tempered, 

Not given to drunkenness, 

Not violent, 

Not pursuing dishonest gain.

Rather he must be hospitable, 

Loves what is good, 





He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, 

So that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

** He did it because an overseer is entrusted with God’s work. By definition God is perfect. God works to help his children to overcome their worldly sinful nature and develop godly character. So the worker himself must be blameless. 

** Paul has a reverent fear of God. He is not in a human business, working for his own personal gain. Rather, he serves the Lord. From Paul we learn that he is a servant dedicated to serving God and God’s interest, leading the flock to God’s side.


Consider the way Paul describes the people in the area in verses 10-16. What does “sound in the faith” (v. 13) indicate about the purpose and direction of the ministry Titus has been called to serve?

** Paul’s purpose and direction is to invite people to fellowship with God the Father in and through faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Savior. 

In Titus chapter 1 the word faith is repeated 4 times. Each time he used it, he meant “faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior.” He knew that it was through faith in Jesus alone that one can have all of his sins forgiven, and be transformed into the likeness of the Son. He knew that all other ways did not come from God, but from men, and thus lead man to destruction. 

The end





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