New Wine into New Wineskins

Mar 6, 2005

Luke 5:33-6:11


  New Wine Must Be Poured Into New Wineskins

Luke 5:33-6:11

Key Verse 5:37

1. Think about some of the religious leaders' question to Jesus about fasting and prayer in verse 33 and Jesus' answer to their question in verses 34-35. What does this conversation tell us about: 1) the purpose of fasting and prayer; 2) the life that is "in" Jesus Christ; and 3) the life that is "without" him? 

2. In verse 36 Jesus compares him (and his teachings) and those who belong to him (and follow his teachings) to "new garment", whereas those who belong to John (the Baptist) or the Pharisees (and their teachings) to "old garment". What does the garment(s) do for men? In what respect is Jesus "new" garment? (John 1:29; Heb 9:14; 2Co 5:17) 

3. In verses 37-39, Jesus came up with another analogy - wine and wineskin. What does the wine stand for? (Jer 31:12; John 2:7) This parable indicates that a man like an old wineskin cannot receive what Jesus came to offer. How can we be a man like a new wineskin?

4. Reflect on what Jesus said to some of the Pharisees in Luke 6:1-5 by comparing it with Col 2:6-17. What do these passages tell us about the new life that is in the Lord?

5. In verses 6-11 Jesus confronted the Pharisees and the teachers of the law on the man with a shriveled hand. What can we learn from: 1) Jesus; and 2) the man with a shriveled hand? What does this miracle show us about the life in Jesus?



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