Be Dressed Ready for Service

Feb 26, 2006

Luke 12:35-48


  Be Dressed Ready For Service

Luke 12:35-48

Key Verse 12:35

1. Read verses 35-36. What does this passage indicate about the position of: 1) Jesus (in his relationship with his disciples); and 2) his disciples (in their relationship with Jesus)? (40) What do the following expressions teach us about the way we should ready ourselves for the Lord? 1) "Be 'dressed' ready"; 2) "for 'service'"; 3) "'keep' your lamps burning"; 4) "like men waiting for their 'master' to return..."; and 5) "'immediately' open the door for him".

2. In verses 37-38 "It will be good" is repeated twice. In what respect will it be "good" for the servant whose master finds him watching when he comes in the second or third watch of the night? What does verse 37b (reading, "I tell you the truth...") show us about the master?

3. Compare Jesus' words in verse 39 and his request in verse 40. What does this comparison indicate about the call to be ready "all the time"? When (or on what occasions) do people (Christians in particular) not expect Jesus to come back? Yet, Jesus says you "also" must be ready. How can we be ready all the time?

4. Think about Peter's question in verse 41. Why do you think he asked the question? (Think about his self-confidence.)

5. In verses 35-40 Jesus talked about "servants". But in verse 42 Jesus mentions a "manager". How is a manager different from a servant? Jesus mentions two qualities of a manager: faith and wisdom. Why are the two needed? What is the manager's major duty?

6. Read verses 43-46. How will the Lord reward a faithful and wise manager? (43-44) How will he punish him if he abuses those under his management? (45-46)

7. Read verses 47-48. In what respect is it a great privilege to know the will of the master? What responsibilities come with this privilege?



LA UBF Bible Study Materials

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Be Dressed Ready for Service

Feb 26, 2006

Luke 12:35-48


  Be Dressed Ready for Service

Luke 12:35-48

Key Verse 12:35

In the previous passage Jesus talked about the foolishness of a man who is worldly (materialistic), indulging himself in the things of this world. Disciples are to live however for the mission given by Jesus. In this passage Jesus teaches them how to serve the mission properly. 

1. Read verses 35-36. What does this passage indicate about the position of: 1) Jesus (in his relationship with his disciples); and 2) his disciples (in their relationship with Jesus)? (40) What do the following expressions teach us about the way we should ready ourselves for the Lord? 1) "Be 'dressed' ready"; 2) "for 'service'"; 3) "'keep' your lamps burning"; 4) "like men waiting for their 'master' to return..."; and 5) "'immediately' open the door for him". 

** Jesus is the master. 

** Disciples are his servants.

** When we love Jesus dearly, just as a couple love one another deeply, we can do just as the passage describes. We are in a marriage relationship with Jesus. We are like a wife whose husband has gone on a long journey, so the wife waits for the husband to return home. 

a) dressed ready - this is like a wife who is not in bed until the husband comes back

b) for service - we are in service of Jesus Christ, until he comes back

c) lamps burning - be filled with the Spirit of Jesus by studying God's word, meditating on it day and night.

d) like men waiting... - this indicates that Jesus' return will be the time when the marriage with Jesus is consummated. In Jewish custom a husband and a wife are pledged to marry. Then they wait for the day of consummation comes. Jesus is the husband. He is to come back to be united with his bride for good. 

e) immediately open the door... - eagerness to see the husband come back and greet him 

2. In verses 37-38 "It will be good" is repeated twice. In what respect will it be "good" for the servant whose master finds him watching when he comes in the second or third watch of the night? What does verse 37b (reading, "I tell you the truth...") show us about the master? 

** Jesus is the greatest of all. It is already a good thing to have Jesus back.  How great/good would it be to see him serving us with all of his love, power, glory and wisdom? 

** He is a very humble servant who always appreciates the services of his subjects, never letting any sacrifice of his servants go unrewarded. 

3. Compare Jesus' words in verse 39 and his request in verse 40. What does this comparison indicate about the call to be ready "all the time"? When (or on what occasions) do people (Christians in particular) not expect Jesus to come back? Yet, Jesus says you "also" must be ready. How can we be ready all the time?

** It is like a man being alert all the time against a thief trying to break into his house. 

** When they try to goof around, doing something which Jesus does not like. 

** By loving Jesus and being holy. 

4. Think about Peter's question in verse 41. Why do you think he asked the question? (Think about his self-confidence.)

** Most likely he might have been offended by Jesus saying, "you also must be ready" especially the two words, "you" [Peter] and "also". He thought that he was more than ready. In other words he was so confident that Jesus' words did not apply to him.  

5. In verses 35-40 Jesus talked about "servants". But in verse 42 Jesus mentions a "manager". How is manager different from a servant? Jesus mentions two qualities of a manager: faith and wisdom. Why are the two needed? What is the manager's major duty? 

** Manager is above the level of a servant.  A manager is the one called to manage resources and responsibilities put under his care. 


** Among other points, faith refers to reliability; wisdom has to do with efficiency.

** Feed people with God's word. This is necessary for God's word is the source of all that are needed to serve God's will, that is, to save and lead all peoples on earth to Christ. 

6. Read verses 43-46. How will the Lord reward a faithful and wise manager? (43-44) How will he punish him if he abuses those under his management? (45-46)

** More responsibilities from the master

** He will be cut into pieces and fall into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 

7. Read verses 47-48. In what respect is it a great privilege to know the will of the master? What responsibilities come with this privilege? 

** The Master's "will" is the greatest asset of all, for it exists on the highest level of all revelations of God. It is like a man having access to all the secret information of the CIA and FBI all combined, plus all the secret information affecting the stock prices of all the companies whose shares are publicly traded.  

** The responsibility is to act upon the knowledge given.  This responsibility is as great as the greatness of the knowledge of the master's will. 

The end



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