Zacchaeus, Come down, Immediately

Jul 23, 2006

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus, Come Down, Immediately��

Zacchaeus, Come Down, Immediately

Luke 19:1-10

Key Verse 19:5

This passage describes a great love relationship between Jesus and a lost sinner named Zacchaeus. It illustrates how salvation is brought home. 

1. What does the word “through” [in “passing through”] indicate about Jericho in Jesus’ travel plan?

** It appears that Jesus did not have any plan to stay in Jericho. This indicates that Zach “grabbed” the chance to meet Jesus by acting proactively. He is a forceful man, of whom Jesus says a forceful man lays hold of God’s kingdom (Matthew 11:12).

2. Compare verse 2a and verse 2b. In Hebrew the name “Zacchaeus” means “clean and pure” (or simply “righteous”). Yet, what did many in Jesus’ day think of a [chief] tax collector? What does the word “and” [in “he was a chief tax collector and wealthy”] indicate about the way he became wealthy? 

** They regarded a tax collector as worse than a prostitute, in that tax collectors sold their identities as a chosen people.   Chosen people were not to mingle with unbelieving people (Romans) much less collaborate with them and promote their fleshly purposes (such as love of money rather than love of God and God’s truths). 

** He became wealthy most likely through unlawful (unbiblical) means such as collecting more than he was required to as hinted in Luke 3:13 or 19:8. 

This indicates that there is a mismatch between his name and his life. 

3. In Luke 18:41b, we see a blind man saying to Jesus, “Lord I want to see.” But in Luke 19:3, Zacchaeus “wanted to see who Jesus was.” In what respect are the two men different in wanting to “see” Jesus? What is the significance of [every] man needing to know [or see] “who Jesus is”? What does this observation indicate about a sinner (19:7) like Zacchaeus? 

** Their motive/purpose was different. The blind man wanted to get “something” (healing) but Zach wanted to get “the truth about Jesus’ person”. Not all come to Jesus (or church fellowships) for the purpose of knowing Jesus (his person, his love and power etc.) better. In fact many come to get some quick benefits for themselves. 

** Salvation consists of each person knowing Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. John 20:31 

In fact Jesus wants everyone to know who Jesus really is. Luke 9:20

** A deep sinner like Zach also has a deep desire to know Jesus better. So do not write off anyone. 

4. Verse 3b says that it was not just because of Zacchaeus being “short” but also “because of the crowd” that he was not able to see who Jesus was. Can you think of similar problems (or difficulties) in our day? 

** The crowd is in the way of one coming to Jesus. Likewise visible people surrounding Jesus (like pastors, shepherds, missionaries, deacons, elders, etc.) might hinder people from having a direct access/exposure to Jesus in person.   

5.  Verse 4 describes the way Zacchaeus overcame the problem he had. What do the following actions teach us in securing a personal fellowship with Jesus Christ? 1) So he ran ‘ahead’; 2) climbed a …tree to see him; and 3) since Jesus was coming that way. 

** He is like a sister who registered for one Genesis Bible Academy, using all of her savings, arrived at the place where the Academy was taking place, secured the best seat in the front row, and listened to the lectures paying full attention. 

** We can “climb” a tree (of the Bible truths) by securing QT every morning, whereby we can gain a better perspective (or “view”) of who God is. 

** We can best see (understand and know) Jesus by placing ourselves in the place where it is likely that Jesus makes his presence available. Such places include: 1) a lowly place that is a man’s heart which is made humble enough, as in the case of the heart of a tax collector in Jesus parable of the Pharisee and a tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) or 2) an opportunity to witness Jesus, as we reach out to those who are yet to know Jesus. 

In Mark 16:20 Jesus says that he is going to work with his disciples as they obey Jesus’ world mission command. In addition the Holy Spirit is on us when we preach the good news. Luke 4:18. Essentially the Holy Spirit is a gospel worker, so as we work for the gospel, we can meet Jesus more personally than ever.

6. Read verse 5. What does “the spot” refer to? What do the following actions tell us about Jesus as the good shepherd for Zacchaeus? 1) he looked up and said to him; 2) “Zacchaeus”; 3) “come down immediately”; 4) “I must stay at your house today.” 

** Maybe it refers to the spot right underneath of the tree where Zach was perched.

** Jesus respects (even looking up) to those who have the noble desire to know Him.

1 Samuel 2:30 (Jesus honors those who honor his name.)

** Jesus knows the name of his sheep.

** Jesus invited himself to Zach’s house, and he did it out of and in “love”. People rejected Zach so Zach had an acceptance problem. But Jesus not just accepted him but welcomed him. Love is positive.

We also learn that Jesus never goes to a place where he is not welcome. By the same token he welcomes himself the most when he finds anyone who is truly desirous of knowing him in love. 

** The word “must” indicates that Jesus had an absolute desire to save Zach. He said he had to stay at Zach’s not because of Jesus’ need but because of the need Zach had, that is, the need for him to fill his spiritual thirst for Jesus Christ, the source of living water. This shows that Jesus is the good shepherd who is willing to satisfy the need of a thirsty soul.   


7. Read verses 6-10. What did people think of Jesus [inviting himself to the house of Zacchaeus]? Yet, what does verse 8 tell us about the practical meaning of “repentance” unto the Lord? How did Jesus bless Zacchaeus? (9-10)

** They thought that Jesus was promoting evil causes such as the agenda the Romans and their collaborators had. Simply they misunderstood Jesus. But Jesus was willing to be misunderstood for the sake of saving the soul of a sheep. 

** It means bearing fruit that meets with the repentance. Luke 3:8

** Jesus saved him from eternal loss, into the presence of God where there is eternal life.  

The end





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