Blessed is the King

Aug 6, 2006

Luke 19:28-44

Blessed is the king

 Blessed is the king

Luke 19:28-44

Key Verse 19:38

This passage tells us of Jesus who is the blessed king. It then reveals the truth that those who accept Him and his rule as the king, will experience God's blessings, and those who reject will have to face all the ill consequences of rejecting him as the king. 

1. Read verse 28. Jerusalem is located south of the direction from which Jesus was coming. Yet the passage says that Jesus was going "up" to Jerusalem. Why? In what respect is this journey to Jerusalem different from the ones Jesus made before? (Luke 19:31-33; 19:12) What does "went on ahead" indicate about Jesus as a God's servant? 

** The word "up" is used in a spiritual sense, for from a spiritual standpoint, Jerusalem exists on a higher level than the level in which the physical world exists. Jerusalem is the spiritual site where Jesus came to open the way to God, through his blood sacrifice, and then ascension, so that for all who believe in Jesus, there would be a new and living way for them to come to God the Father who is in heaven above. 

** Jesus went there to offer himself as the atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of many. 

Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

[Many = believers]

** He is the good shepherd who "leads" his flock to the way of life. John 10:1-18 especially verse 4 (...'he goes on ahead') and verse 11 explain the image of Jesus as the good shepherd. Unlike hired hands, Jesus does not run away from the cross of mission. He rather positively goes on ahead, to the cross, to save the flock of God from the grip of the power of sin and Satan. 

2. Think about the command Jesus issued to two of his disciples in regard to a colt in verses 30-31, and the way they brought it to Jesus in verses 32-34. What does this passage tell us about Jesus as the king? In what respect was it not easy for the disciples to obey the command? How do you think the disciples were able to obey such a command? 

** a) Jesus is the king whom the Lord God promised to send as written in the Scriptures such as Zechariah 9:9.

b) Jesus' supernatural knowledge as the Son of God Almighty.

c) Jesus' humble, gentle, and beneficial character as the king.  He is as humble, gentle, and willing to serve as a young donkey. 

** It was as good as the command to bring a brand new Honda from the dealer like Longo Toyota, even without asking the owner's prior approval. 

** They obeyed because they trusted Jesus as the King. In addition, they were able to obey because they found themselves as servants, serving the King. 

3. Verses 35-36 describe the sacrifices the disciples and people made for Jesus. Why did they do what they did? What can we learn from them? 

** They did this out of deep respect for Jesus, for they witnessed Jesus' mighty deeds such as performing tons of miracles. 

** Cloaks represent their best, their most valuable assets, and using their best they honored the coming king. We must use our best so that the name of Jesus would be exalted.  

4. Read verses 37-40. Instead of rebuking his disciples, Jesus rebuked some of the Pharisees who asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples. What does Jesus' reply in verse 40 tell us about: 1) Jesus; and 2) the way to honor Jesus? 

** Jesus' kingship is so obvious that even the stones would recognize it and thereby sing loudly. 

** We can honor Jesus by singing songs of praise in public and in private. 

5. Think about Jesus who wept over Jerusalem in verses 41-44. What does this passage tell us about: 1) Jesus as the king; and 2) the consequences of rejecting him as the king? 

  ** He is the king of peace and love. He is the king of peace in that he does not establish his kingship through conquering his subjects with force. Rather he is the king who sheds his blood to save his subjects. He is the king of love in that in love he even shed tears for the tragedy that will visit those who reject his kingship. 

** Violence (no peace)

The end



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