I saw Satan Fall

Aug 27, 2006

Luke 10:1-24


  I Saw Satan Fall

Luke 10:1-24

Key Verse 10:18 

In this passage we can learn a few principles to fight the Lord's battle and pioneer God's kingdom in each college campus. 

1. Read verses 1 and 2. What do the following words indicate about the importance of the "numbers" of harvest workers in fighting the Lord's battle? 1) Seventy two 'others'; and ) the workers are few.


** Satan also has a lot of agents working for him. In Jesus' day people like the religious leaders or the political leaders like Herod, worked as God's enemies disrupting the work. So Jesus needed to raise up workers who would do God's work, gathering the harvest into God's spiritual barn. 

The numbers are also important because the work (harvest) is plentiful, but the workers are few. 

2. Think about number seventy-two or the expression "two by two" in verse 1. The phrase "two by two" indicates that Jesus believes in "team work" (or "team spirit"). Why is working "together" better than working "individually" in fighting the Lord's battle? (Ecc 4:9-12) Yet, why is it sometimes difficult for any two persons to work "together" for the Lord's purpose? How can we better work together? (Ephesians 4:11-16; 3John 1:5-8; Php 2:3) 

** Two can support one another. For example, if one falls the other can come and lift up the other. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:

Ecclesiastes 4:10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

Ecclesiastes 4:11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Satan's strategy is "divide and conquer."

** Maybe it is mostly because of one's own self-seeking tendency. 

Each person might be desirous of glorifying himself over the other. 

Another reason might be the difficulty to bear up other person's weaknesses. 

One might think that if one operates all by himself, one can get things done more efficiently.  


** Mainly, we can work better if each person renounces one's own agenda, and serves the Lord's agenda. The Lord is at the center of the fellowship. In Jesus, one can deny himself, and work together for the sake of the Lord. 

3. In verse 2 Jesus says, "The harvest is plentiful." What does this statement tells us about the importance of "vision" in serving God's work?

** When there is no vision people perish. Pro 29:18 (KJV) God gives vision as the most important building materials to build God’s kingdom. Example: Joseph had two dreams upon which Joseph built his life. Thanks to this vision Joseph endured hardships until he could see God's fruit coming out. 

We cannot go for what we do not see. Vision then provides us with the spirit to go for it.  

4. In verse 2, before sending them out to harvest fields, Jesus first asked them to "ask" the Lord of harvest. What does this request indicate about the importance of "prayer" in fighting the Lord's battle?

** The battle is the Lord's. The Lord is using us to do the battle and win. It is the Lord who opens the hearts of people, and lets us reap the harvest. It is the Lord who lets the rain come, and seeds grow. Remember that the Risen Jesus is working with us, not we working with Jesus. 

In addition when we pray the Lord answers our prayers in a spiritual realm, and causes the fruit become visible in a visible reality. Prayer then is like causing the clouds gather above and let the rain come down below. 1Ki 18:41-44 Elijah heard the sound of heavy rain (this is a vision); he then prayed (1Ki 18:42); he then waited, continually going and looking for the sign arising (seven times); finally a small sign arose; and it was a heavy rainfall. Prayer works like this. 

5. Read verses 3-12. What do the following words tell us about the wisdom (or guidelines) to follow in fighting the Lord’s battle? 1) Go; 2) Say (5,10); 3) Stay (or do not move around); and 4) Heal. 

** These are the works we are to do practically. Four things to consider: a) We need to take action by actually going out to the place where harvest can be made; b) we need to know what to say and how to say (what to say) (Isaiah 49:2; 50:4); c) We need to be persistent in doing what we do, remembering the wisdom that says, "A rolling stone gathers no moss"; and d) we need to pray for the well being (physical and spiritual) of the ones we are sent to, instead of becoming a burden to them or making their lives miserable. 

6. Skim through verses 13-24. Jesus declared "woes" to a certain category of people, but to his disciples Jesus said words of blessing. What made the difference? (13; 21; John 16:27; 20:29)

** The disciples simply believed in Jesus Christ and His power. They believed that Jesus came from God the Father. But the other group (people of Korazin etc.) tried to analyze Jesus' words according to their own wisdom. They lived according their own ideas and humanistic wisdom. 

The disciples' example indicates that simple trust in Jesus is the key to winning the Lord's battle. We should not rely on things like our abilities to talk (English skills) or money bag. 

7. In verse 18 Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall..." What does "Satan" indicate about the enemy behind enemies? What does this verse teach us about the importance of understanding the real enemy in fighting (and winning) the Lord's battle? 

** Satan is the enemy behind enemies. 

** We are a no match for Satan. We can win the battle only through God's power. The Art of War - knowing your enemy and yourself is the key to fighting a hundred times and never losing even once. 

The end



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