Whose son is the Christ?

Sep 24, 2006

Luke 20:20-47

Whose Son is the Christ

 Whose Son is the Christ?

Luke 20:20-47

Key Verse 20:44

1. Read verses 20-22. What question did the spies ask Jesus? Why did they ask the question?

2. Think about Jesus' response (23-26). What does "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" mean? What should we do if obedience to God conflicts with obedience to men (governmental authority)?  

3. Read verses 27-33. The Sadducees’ question was based on the Jewish law of "levirate marriage" (Genesis 38; Deuteronomy 25:5-10). Why did they ask this question? (27; Acts 23:8)

4. Read verses 34-36. Who are "God's children" [or "the children of resurrection"]? Why will they neither marry nor be given in marriage? What does the passage reveal about the question they asked?

5. Read verses 37-38. What is "the account of the bush"? [Exodus 3:1-6] What [in the account of the bush] shows that the dead rise? 

6. Read verse 41-44. Why do they say that Jesus is the Son of David? (2 Samuel 7:13, 14; Isaiah11:1; Jeremiah 23:5) If the Christ is David's Lord, how can the Christ be David's Son? What does the passage teach us about the Christ? 

7. Why is it important for one to know whose son the Christ is? (1 John 2:21-25; 4:16; 5:1)


      The word "levirate" comes from the Latin 'levir', which means "a husband's brother."  



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