Preach the Word

Mar 4, 2007

2 Timothy 3:1-4:8


  Preach the Word

2 Timothy 3:1-4:8

Key Verse 4:1-2

1. Read verses 3:1-5. What makes times we are living in (the last days) "terrible"? What does "Having a form of godliness but denying its power" mean?

2. Read verses 6-9. What "kind(s)” of people are described in these verses?

3. Read verses 10-13. What motivated Paul to live differently from evil men and imposters? What will be the outcome for evil men and imposters? What will be the outcome for everyone who wants to live a godly life? (4:1,8)

4. Read verse 13-17. What does "All Scripture [the Bible] is God-breathed" mean? What will the Bible do for him who loves it and lives by it?

5. 2 Timothy 4:1 says that Jesus will judge the living and the dead. What does "the living and the dead" mean? What does Paul mean by "his appearing and his kingdom?" Why is it important to know these things?

6. Think about Paul's charges to Timothy in 4:2-5.

1) Preach the Word;

2) Be prepared in season and out of season;

3) Correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction;

4) Keep your head in all situations;

5) Endure hardship;

6) Do the work of an evangelist; and

7) Discharge all the duties of your ministry.

How are these charges related to one another?

7. Read verses 6-8. Paul says, "I have kept the faith." What does it mean to "keep" faith? "Faith" believes in something or someone. What or whom did Paul believe in? Why is it important to keep faith as Paul did?





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