The Throne of Grace

Feb 24, 2008

Hebrews 4:14-5:10

The Throne of Grace

The Throne of Grace

Hebrews 4:14-5:10

Key Verse 4:16

This passage says that in Jesus we are absolutely motivated to overcome the sense of guilt and condemnation for our sinful disobedience, repent, and turn to God by faith in Jesus, for salvation. 

Read 4:14-16. Why did God create the possibility that man can be “tempted” (in every conceivable way)? What does “[a great high priest who] who has gone through heavens” mean? Consider the phrase, “in our time of need.” What is the “need” we have? What does our “time” [of need] stand for? Who can fill the need? How does he fill the need? In order for us to get that need filled up, what should we (you and I) do? 

** God created the possibility for man to be tempted, as part of his plan to bring about what is perfect. God’s plan of perfection is to create a man to function as God functions, that is, a man with the freedom to make a choice. A choice does not become real unless there is a counter force or forces. One of the counter forces is the possibility for man to be tempted. The devil also known as Satan is from God; it is a misnomer to say that God did not create Satan. Satan is in God’s control. God must have fore-seen the possibility for Satan to fall, and thereby operate as a tempter. Yet God allowed this to happen. Indeed Satan in the form of a serpent tempted the first woman Eve, successfully causing her and her husband Adam to fall.  

** It refers to Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father’s side, only to come back as he went up. (John 14:2-3)

** The need is the need to restore our relationship with God, so we could in his presence under his blessings for good.

The need is based on us being weak, for we are subject to many weaknesses, esp. the weakness in dealing with the devil’s temptations. 

For this need to be met we need mercy and grace, for we do not deserve to get this need filled up. 

** The time is the time of our life here on earth in a physical body. When Jesus comes again and restores everything the “time” referred to here will be no more. 

** Jesus the Son of God, such a great high priest who has gone to the Father in heaven. 

** He is sympathetic; he having become a victor (over the devil’s every possible temptation) is able to assist us to overcome the devil’s temptations as well, so we would become obedient to God in all circumstances. 

** We need to approach with confidence the throne of grace which is established in the person of Jesus Christ. Examples include a man covered with leprosy approaching and falling at the feet of Jesus, asking for mercy saying, “If you will willing, you can make me clean.” Matthew 8:2

Read 5:1-3. Who is “God” (as referred to in verse 1)? Verse 2 talks about “those who are ignorant” [and therefore are “going astray”]. What are they “ignorant”  of? In what respect is it a problem for anyone to be ignorant and go astray? What is God’s solution to the “problem”? 

** God is the source of life. 1Jo 5:11; Gen 1:1

God is the one who created the universe and everything in it. He is the one who after creating Adam put him in the Garden of Eden. He is the one who planted the Garden of Eden. He established the first marriage/family between Adam and Eve. 

** They are ignorant of God being good and totally good; they are ignorant of God being always good. They do not know that God is the only one who is truly good; all the rest are only a “re”-source, not the “source”. 

So the nature of ignorance is the lack of the knowledge of what is valuable, if valuable, how much. 

** Going astray is going away from the source of life, so that one eventually gets cut off, until he becomes dead. 

** The high priest who stands in between God and man, who is designated to bring the fallen men back to God.

Read verses 4-6. In what respect is it such an honor and glory for anyone to be appointed a “high priest”? What did God say of the Christ? 

** It is an honor not because of himself but because of God for he is called to represent not only sinners but also God himself.

** Vs. 3-4

Read verse 7. It is written that Jesus was without sin. Yet what imperiled Jesus to cry out (to God) with tears to save him from “death”? What does “he was heard because of his reverent submission” mean? 

** Sin causes death. Romans 6:23a; Jesus was without sin. 1Pe 2:22; 1Jo 3:5

Yet in order to let all believers to not taste death, God willed for Jesus to die on a tree for the sins of the world. Isaiah 52:14-53:8; John 1:29; Mark 10:45

** Submission is submission to the will of God for Jesus to die on our behalf.

He was heard in that his prayer to save him from death was heard (or answered), for God raised him from the dead.

Read verses 8-9. Being the son of “God” Jesus is regarded as “perfect” so that he has no need to learn anything whatsoever. Yet he was “made” perfect only through “learning” obedience from what he suffered. Why? 

** It is because although as God Jesus is perfect, because Jesus is fully man he became subjected to the limitations of a body (or flesh) which came from dust, so that he had to learn (which means to “earn” through doing) obedience.

Read verse 9 again. What does “source” mean? What does this passage show us about: 1) the purpose of salvation; 2) the way of salvation; and 3) the substance of salvation?  

** Source – a generative force; a point of origin or procurement; one that initiates; the point of origin of stream of water; 

** The Purpose – obedience to God, so that via salvation God would see his children who are obedient to him.

** The Way – Faith in Jesus, for this faith produces obedience to God.

** The substance – it is the life that is united with God the Father.

Read verse 10. Jesus became the “source” of salvation. At the same time he was designated as the eternal “high priest”. How are the two related together? 

** The source refers to what (that is life in the presence of God); high priest goes to how (that is through Jesus offering himself as an atoning sacrifice, and praying for sinners who believe in Him, that they would come to their senses, repent, and turn to God). 

The end



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