Do Not Judge

Nov 9, 2008

Matthew 7:1-12



Matthew 7:1-12
Key Verse 7:12

"So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

1. Read verses 1-2. Why must we not judge others? Who is our Judge? What kind of judging do you think Jesus is referring to in this passage?

2. Read verses 3-5. What does the difference between a speck of dust and a plank tell us about our level of hypocrisy? How is it that we so often notice a speck of dust in someone's eye, yet are blind to the plank in our own? What should we do to be able to "see clearly"?

3. Read verse 6. Why is the type of judging in this verse necessary? How is it different from the judging mentioned in the previous verses? How can we apply this type of judging to ourselves?

4. Read verses 7-11. What should we ask for? What do the words "ask," "seek," and "knock" show about the effort we need to put in? How can we know we'll receive, find, and be opened to?

5. Read verses 11-12. How does our heavenly Father treat us? Do we deserve his good gifts? Then, how does he want us to treat others? When should we treat others this way?



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