Live by the Spirit

Jul 18, 2010

Galatians 5:1-25



Galatians 5:1-26 

Key verse 5:16 

"So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." 

Explain the significance of Paul's statement in verse 1a, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." For what should we stand firm? (1b-4) What is the result of being alienated from Christ? (5) 

** This statement is significant for it tells us the purpose of the freedom Jesus won for us, that is, to be free.

** 1) The words, “Stand firm, then,” tell us that those set free have a responsibility to stand firm and not let go of that freedom, for that freedom is valuable, it was purchased with the blood of Jesus. 2) We are called to stand firm to keep our relationship with Jesus, for the one who lets go of his freedom to be burdened by something else alienates himself from Jesus.

** The result of being alienated from Jesus is losing the benefits Jesus won for us, especially our hope of righteousness.

Read verses 5-6. How is faith to be expressed? What does this teach about how the Spirit works? 

** Through love.

** Not through legalism, but love.

How is living by faith like running a race? (7) How did Paul describe those who had “cut in” on the Galatians race? (8-12)

** It is like a race for we are aiming to reach a goal and we stay on course for this purpose.

** They interrupted the race: “…kept you from obeying the truth,” “throwing you into confusion,” offended by the cross of Christ, persecuting Paul, “agitators.” 

Read verses 13-15. What do these verses teach about: 1) freedom in Christ; and 2) practically expressing our faith through love? 

** 1) freedom is not to be used for indulging in the sinful nature but “rather, serve one another in love.” It means that we use our freedom in Christ to learn of Jesus and do as Jesus did. 2) serving one another. Not because there is a law, so that we serve in fear of consequence, but we serve without fear (because we are free). Serve means to lower ourselves to help others, just as Jesus did for us, so that they may grow in Jesus and in the Spirit.

What do verses 16-25 teach regarding the necessity of living by the Spirit? How does the law fall short in this regard? How can we bear the fruit of the Spirit? 

** God gives the Spirit of his Son, Jesus, so that those who believe in Jesus can be empowered to fully enjoy the benefits that Jesus purchased for them. Especially, this passage mentions about overcoming the sinful nature. If one cannot overcome the sinful nature, then he cannot enjoy the other benefits as a child of God for he remains weak and in slavery to his nature nature rather than to godliness. 

** The law cannot empower us to overcome the sinful nature, for the law points out that we are indeed sinners thus leading us to Christ. Here we see the difference between living by the Spirit and living by the law—it has to do with power. Living by the Spirit means living by God’s power fully, relying on Jesus Christ. Living by the law means to live relying on our own power, such as our obedience to this law or that law. 

** By living by and being led by the Spirit and not the sinful nature.



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