Seek First His Kingdom

Aug 1, 2010

Matthew 6:19-34



Matthew 6:19-34

Key Verse: 6:33 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

Read verses 19-20. Why shouldn't we store up treasures on earth? Rather why should we store up treasures in heaven? How do we store them up? 

Read verse 21. How is your treasure related to your heart?  Read verses 22-23. What does it mean that the eye is the lamp of the body? How should we see the world? Who are the two masters (24)? Why can’t we serve two masters?

Read verses 25-32. Why should we not worry about the things in our lives? How does God show his faithfulness to provide for our daily needs? Is there any benefit by worrying? Why then do people worry (30b)? 

Read verse 33. What must Christians do? How can we seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness? Why shouldn't we worry about tomorrow (34)? 



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