Stand Firm

Apr 24, 2011

1 Corinthians 15:35-58



1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Key Verse 54b

then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

1. Read verse 35-38.  What are the two questions someone may ask about resurrection? (35)  How did Paul correct those with the first question (36-38; Jn 12:24)?  How does God give the resurrected body? (38) 

2. Read verses 39-44.  How did Paul answer their second question in verse 35? (39-41)  What is his intent in comparing the earthly bodies and the heavenly bodies?  What are the characteristics of the resurrected body? (42-44)? 

3. Read verses 45-49.  Who are the two Adams and how are they different? (45-48)  What does he mean by “a life-giving spirit”?  What will our resurrected body be like? (49)

4. Read verses 50-54.  Why can’t flesh and blood inherit the kingdom of God? (50, 52b-54a)  What is the mystery? (51)  What word of God will come true at the resurrection? (54)  What does the phrase “Death has been swallowed up in victory” mean?

5. Read verses 55-58.  At the resurrection, over what things will we have the victory? (55-56)  What is its source? (57)  With this promise of sure victory, how must we live now? (58)

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