He Has Risen!

Apr 24, 2011

Luke 24:1-12


He Has Risen!

 INCLUDEPICTURE  "http://www.shirleys-preschool-activities.com/images/easter-clip.gif" \d  

Luke 24:1-12 2nd-3rd Grade Class

Key Verse 24:6 Name:  ________

Write and memorize the key verse:





The Empty Tomb

 INCLUDEPICTURE  "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3539/3430889190_3235f5732a.jpg" \d  


What day of the week did this event happen on? (1a) It was very early in the morning on the first day of the week. 



What had happened on the Friday before that? (compare Luke 22:47-23:55)

Jesus was arrested

Jesus was put on trial like a criminal

Jesus was nailed to a cross

Jesus died and was buried

All answers are correct

Why were the women taking spices to the tomb? (1b) The women took the spices they had prepared. Then they went to the tomb. 

They were planning to bake a cake

They wanted to make scented candles

They wanted to prepare Jesus’ body for burial

They wanted to do one last thing to honor Jesus after his death

Both “c” and “d” are correct

How do you think the women were feeling as they approached the tomb? (Choose all that apply.)





If you were going to someone’s tomb, but didn’t find the body, what would be your first guess about why the body wasn’t there? (2-4a)  They found the stone rolled away from it. 3 When they entered the tomb, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 They were wondering about this. 

Someone stole the body

The person never really died

You’re dreaming

An amazing miracle occurred and the person rose from the dead and walked out of the tomb

Good news!

 INCLUDEPICTURE  "http://jesuszombie.com/images/jesus-resurrection.jpg" \d  

Who were the two men in bright clothes? (4b-5a)  Suddenly two men in clothes as bright as lightning stood beside them. 5 The women were terrified. They bowed down with their faces to the ground. 

Roman soldiers

Jewish religious leaders



What did the two men remind the women of? (5b-8) Then the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 Jesus is not here! He has risen! Remember how he told you he would rise. It was while he was still with you in Galilee. 7 He said, 'The Son of Man must be handed over to sinful people. He must be nailed to a cross. On the third day he will rise from the dead.’” 8Then the women remembered Jesus' words.

That Jesus had told them he would be handed over to sinful people

That Jesus had told them he would be nailed to a cross

That Jesus had told them he would rise from the dead on the third day

All answers are correct

How do you think the women felt after they realized what had happened?(Choose all that apply.)





What did the women do when they returned from the tomb? (9-10)  They came back from the tomb. They told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them were the ones who told the apostles. 





Did the apostles believe what the women said?  Why or why not? (11-12)  But the apostles did not believe the women. Their words didn't make any sense to them. 12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb. He bent over and saw the strips of linen lying by themselves. Then he went away, wondering what had happened.





  Write your testimony:




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