God With Us

Dec 18, 2011

Matthew 1:18-25


God with us

Matthew 1:18-25

Key verse: 23

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel"
-- which means, "God with us."

1. How did the birth of Jesus come about? (18)  Who was Mary? (18)  How did Mary become pregnant? (18, 20b) 

2. Who was Joseph and what kind of person was he? (16, 19-20a)  What did he have in mind to do? (19b)  How did God help Joseph? (20-21)  What did he have to overcome to be the husband of Mary? (20)

3. What was the child to be named? (21)  What does ‘Jesus’ mean and how is it related to his mission? (21b)  How can Jesus save his people from their sins? (1Co 15:3-4; Gen 3:15) 

4. How did the birth of Jesus fulfill the Scripture? (22-23; Isa 7:14)  What is another name of Jesus? (23)  What can we learn about ‘God with us’?  What did Joseph do afterward? (24-25) 

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