When he, the Spirit of Truth, Comes

Feb 19, 2012

John 16:5-15

When He, the Spirit of Truth, Comes

When he, the Spirit of truth, comes

John 16:5-15

Key Verse 13a

    “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.” 


Through Chapter 13-17, Jesus has been revealing deep truth of God to his disciples. Due to imminent departure, his disciples were filled with grief and He was trying to comfort them in every possible way. In this passage, we will focus on the work of the Holy Spirit. (1) Benefit of receiving the Holy Spirit; (2) Convicting work of the Holy Spirit; (3) Purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit. 

1. Read verses 5-7. Where is Jesus going to go? (5) Why did none of disciples ask Jesus about his departure? (6) Why is Jesus’ departure for the good of his disciples? (7) 

5 “Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 

6 Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. 

7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 

1-1> Where is Jesus going to go? (5)

(1) To the Father who sent Jesus. The fact that the Father sent Jesus is important. The Father who sent Jesus is the only true God. 

John 17:2 “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” 


1-2> Why did none of disciples ask Jesus about his departure? (6)

(1) Because Disciples focused on themselves instead of Jesus. (Jn 14:28)

They were so fully occupied about themselves that they did not even care to ask

             what Jesus’ departure meant to Him. 

They only care what his departure meant to them: no security of their future. 

(2) Because they were filled with grief. (v6) 

The disciples could only see their sorrow from Jesus leaving; they were filled with grief. (V6)

but Jesus’ departure was an essential step in their growth as disciples.

1-3> Why is Jesus’ departure for the good of his disciples? (7)

(1) Jesus can send the Counselor. The Counselor is; i) helper (Jn 14:16, 26; 15:26) paracltos;  ii) Defense lawyer for the believers: advocate; (v7); iii) Prosecutor to the world. (V8-11) The Spirit came from both the Father and the Son. (Jn 14:26) 

(2) Because when Jesus go away, He accomplished the salvation history. 

His death opens the way for forgiveness of our sins. 

His resurrection opens the way for eternal life.  

His ascension opens the way for us to come to the Father; His kingdom. 

(3) Because when Jesus goes away, the counselor will come to disciples. 

Jesus’ physical body could be in only one place at one time. 

Some would be overjoyed due to His immediate presence. 

But for most believers, Jesus was not with them. 

The Holy Spirit is not limited by time and space (place). 

It was better because Jesus can be with every believer all the time through the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus’ ministry was limited to primarily Israel. 

The Holy Spirit will expand the ministry to the whole world. 

Truly, Jesus’ going away was good for disciples and for us. 

2. Read verses 8-11. What will the Counselor do when he comes? (8) What does it mean he will convict the world in regard to sin? (9) In regard to righteousness? (10) In regard to judgment? (11) 

8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 

9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 

10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 

11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. 

2-1> What will the Counselor do when he comes? (8)

(1) Convict the world. The word ‘convict’ is a legal term used in the court room to sentence the verdict.  

The Counselor convict men and condemn them to hell. This is an objective condemnation.

Another meaning of ‘convict’ is to convince men that they need Jesus. He makes you aware of your sins. It is subjective realization of guilt. 

(2) The Counselor will convict men by awakening their conscience to three things; sin, righteousness and Judgment. Men did not know the true meaning of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The world cannot understand sin, righteousness and judgment apart from the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit of truth can reveal what is true meaning of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

(3) The Work of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

God the Father is the judge. 

God the Son, Jesus is the executor of judgment. 

God the Holy Spirit will pass the sentence to all of those who reject Jesus Christ. 

The Holy Spirit will show people the Sin of unbelief in Jesus. 

The Holy Spirit will show people the righteousness of Jesus

The Holy Spirit will show people that Satan and anybody rebellious to

                         God will be damned.  

2-2> What does it mean he will convict the world in regard to sin? (9)

The Holy Spirit convicts the world (men and us) that they (and we) are sinners    because of unbelief in Jesus. No one in the world can reveal that unbelief in Jesus is sin.  

People’s heart will be open by the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. 

They will come to Jesus and receive Him as Savior. 

The sin is unbelief in the work and person of Jesus. (Jn 3:16-21, 8:24) 

Those who reject Jesus are sinner who cannot be good, holy, pure and true.  

2-3>  In regard to righteousness? (10)

The Holy Spirit will convict the world of righteousness. 

Righteousness is right relationship with God. 

Righteousness tells us what is right and what is wrong. 

Jesus is going to the Father means Jesus is the only way to God the Father. 

Jesus is righteous because no one can enter into God’s presence without being perfectly righteous. 

No one can be right with God except Jesus who is right with God. 

When we believe in Jesus, His righteousness is imputed to us. 

We can enter into God’s presence as perfectly righteous as Jesus. 

2-4> In regard to judgment? (11)

The prince of this world is Satan.

Satan was judged on the cross. Only the Spirit reveals the truth about judgment against the Satan. The world would not know it in their human wisdom.

Satan’s judgment is the guarantee of judgment for every sinner who ever lives. 

Every man, every angel that ever attached himself to Satan will be judged. 

Satan is already defeated foe although he still has a power in the lives of unbelievers. (Eph 2;2, 1 Jn 5:19) 

3. Read verses 12-13. Why did Jesus not say anything more to His disciples? (12) What would the Spirit of truth do when he comes? (13a) On whose behalf and what will the Spirit of truth speak? (13b) 

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 

14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 

15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. 

3-1> Why did Jesus not say anything more to his disciples? (12) 

Disciples are not able to understand what Jesus wanted to say to them at that time. 

There is God’s time that we can understand God’s truth. 

We should not be upset or puzzled when young believers or we do not understand the truth of God. 

There will be a time that they can understand the truth of God in His time. 

Some of the things they could not understand were

Christ’s suffering

Christ’s resurrection

The Purpose of Salvation

The world mission of the church

3-2> What would the Spirit of truth do when he comes? (13a)

(1) He will guide disciples into all truth. 

At that time, disciples were not ready to understand/accept the truth, 

The Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth. 

This refers primarily to the inspiration of the authors of NT Scriptures.

(2) All truth; 

It is not truth about science, medicines, mechanics, business or accounting. 

All truth is necessary for the perfecting of believers

All truth means necessary truth for believers to be complete, perfect, thoroughly equipped to do good work. 

All truth is the truth necessary for salvation and Christian living and Christ like living. 

(3) The Holy Spirit continues to lead us into all truth. 

Although we have a human bible teacher, ultimate teacher is the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit is our illuminator. He is the truth teacher. He teaches the word of God to us. 

No believers can claim that he does not have a teacher to lead him to truth.


3-3> On whose behalf and what will the Spirit of truth speak? (13b) 

(1) The Holy Spirit speaks only what He hears.

The guidance of the Holy Spirit is consistent with God and Christ. 

Because he is speaking the word of God.

He always leads us consistently with the word of God. 

Jesus wanted his disciples to know this so that they can trust the Holy Spirit. 

They did not fully know the work of the Holy Spirit yet. 

(2) The Holy Spirit will tell disciples about the future, which was recorded in New Testament. 

Past: The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything I have said to you. (Jn 14:26)  

Present: The Spirit of truth will testify about me and guide you to all truth (Jn 15:26)

Future: the Holy Spirit will tell you what is yet to come. (Jn 16:13) 

The Holy Spirit is the truth revealer; past, present and future is related with Jesus. 

4. Read verses 14,15. How will the Spirit bring glory to Jesus? (14) What is the purpose of the work of the Spirit? (14) Why does Jesus say ‘all that belongs to the Father is mine’? (15) 

14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 

15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.


4-1> How will the Spirit bring glory to Jesus? (14)

By taking what is Jesus’ and making it known to disciples. 

The Holy Spirit always use what belong to Jesus such as Jesus’ word, Jesus’ miracles. 

The Holy Spirit always makes Jesus known to disciples so that they can know Jesus personally.

4-2> What is the purpose of the work of the Spirit? (14)

The purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus. 

The Spirit never shines the spotlight on Himself but on Jesus. 

The Holy Spirit constantly reveals Jesus; Jesus’ past, present and future. 

4-3> Why does Jesus say ‘all that belongs to the Father is mine’? (15) 

Because Jesus wanted his disciples to know that the Father and Jesus have the same possession.  It shows their unity and intimacy. 

All that belongs to the Father belongs to Jesus. (Jn 3:35; 5:20; 13:3; 17:10; Matt. 11:27).

Whatever belongs to the Father belongs to Jesus. 

Whatever belongs to Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes it and makes it known to disciples. 

All the wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Jesus. (Col 2:3) 

They Holy Spirit takes all the wisdom and knowledge in Jesus and makes them known to disciples so that they can know Jesus more deeply. 

In conclusion, Jesus said, his departure is good for his disciples because of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us all truth so that we can know the sin, righteousness and judgment of God. May God guide us into all truth through the Holy Spirit so that we can know Him and worship Him according to His way

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