My Lord and My God

Apr 22, 2012

John 20:1-31


My Lord and My God

John 20:1-31

Key Verse 28 

“Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Read verses 1-9. When and why did Mary Magdalene go to the tomb? (1a; Mk 16:1) What did she discover and how did she react? (1b-2) How did Peter and the other disciple react and what does it show about them? (3-5) What was their observation and the significance of the empty tomb (6-9)? 

Read verses 10-18. Why did Mary remain and what did the two angels say to her? (10-13) How did Jesus reveal himself to Mary and how did she respond? (14,15) When did she recognize him? (16) What did Jesus ask Mary to do and how did she obey? (17,18) 

Read verses 19-23. How did Jesus appear to his disciples and what did he say? (19,20) What did Jesus want to do with his disciples? (21b) How did he equip them for the task? (22) What authority was given to them? (23) 

Read verses 24-31. How did Thomas respond to the news of Jesus’ resurrection? (24,25) How did Jesus help Thomas? (26,27) What was his confession? (28) Who are blessed? (29) What was John’s purpose in writing this Gospel? (30,31) 

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