Remain in the Son

May 20, 2012

1 John 2:12-27

Remain in the Son��

Remain in the Son

1 John 2:12-27

Key Verse 2:24

See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.


Read verses 12-14. Why does the author write to his children (12,13c), fathers (13,14a), and young men (13b,14b)? What do you think that the author means by calling them ‘children’, ‘fathers’, and ‘young men’? 

Read verses 15-17. Why does the author tell his people not to love the world? (15) What comes from the world? (16) What passes away and who lives forever? (17)

Read verses 18-19. What happens in the last hour? (18) What are the characteristics of antichrists? (19) 

Read verses 20-23. What do children of God have? (20) Why does the author write to them? (21) Who is a liar? (22) What happens to the one who denies the Son? (23) 

Read verses 24-27. What does one have to do in order to remain in the Son and the Father? (24) What is the promise of God? (25) Who is the author referring to in verse 26? Yet, why do his recipients not need anyone to teach them? (27) Why do you think the author talks about remaining repeatedly? 


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