Be Shepherds of God's Flock

Aug 26, 2012

1 Peter 5:1-14

To “elders” and “young men”


1 Peter 5:1-14

Key Verse 2

“Be shepherds of God’s flock”



Read verses 1-4. To whom does the author make his appeal? (1a) How does he introduce himself to them? (1b). What does he urge them to be? (2a) What should shepherds be and do? (2b,3) What will be the reward for good shepherds when the Chief Shepherd appears? (4)

Read verses 5-9. Who else does the author write to? (5a) What should young men be and do and why? (5b,6) What does the author tell young men to do with their anxiety and why? (7) Why should young men be self-controlled and alert? (8) Why should young men resist the devil? (9) 

Read verses 10-11. How is God described? (10a) What does God call us to? (10b) How will God of all grace help those he has called who have suffered? (10c) What does the author dedicate to God? (11)  

Read verses 12-14. Who helped the author write his letter? (12a) How is Silas described ? (12b) What does the author encourage us to do? (12c) Who sent their greetings to the recipients? (v13-14) 



LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.

Be Shepherds of God's Flock

Aug 26, 2012

1 Peter 5:1-14

To “elders” and “young men”


1 Peter 5:1-14

Key Verse 2

“Be shepherds of God’s flock”


1. Read verses 1-4. To whom does the author make his appeal? (1a) How does he introduce himself to them? (1b). What does he urge them to be? (2a) What should shepherds be and do? (2b,3) What will be the reward for good shepherds when the Chief Shepherd appears? (4)

Read verses 1-4

5 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 

not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 

And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.


To whom does the author make his appeal? (1a)

Apostle Peter specifically appeals to the elders in the churches of Asia.


i) Origin: Elders are from Jewish culture (Exo 3:16, 12:21, 19:7)

Synagogues had elders who were responsible for teaching the word of God. 

Early church followed the synagogue system. 

Apostle Paul appointed elders in the churches (Act 14:23) 

ii) Qualification (1Tim 3:2-7, Tit 1:5-9)

Apostle Paul gave us clear guideline for qualification of the elders. 

Elders in the synagogues are not old persons but wise and mature persons. 

Responsibilities were teaching and leading the church through good examples. 

iii) Development of the office of pastor (1Tim 5:17)

Pastor is one of the elders and has a better teaching ability among elders. 

Pastors appoint and guide other elders in the church. (2 Tim 2:2)

iv) Terms: Elders, overseers (bishop) pastors all refer to the same person. 

Elders: emphasize their maturity. 

Overseers: emphasize their function of leadership. 

Pastors (Shepherds); emphasize their function of teaching (feeding). 

1-3) How does he introduce himself to them? (1b).

a) A fellow elder: 

Peter was qualified to speak because he is a fellow elder. 

Peter saw himself only as one fellow elder among all the elders in the church. 

Though Peter was clearly the prominent disciple among the twelve, he claims no special privilege or position, such as the “Pope” of the early church. 

b) A witness of the sufferings of Christ

Peter was qualified to speak because he was a witness of Jesus’ sufferings. 

He saw Jesus’ torture and perhaps the crucifixion. 

c) A partaker of the glory: 

He was a partaker of Jesus’ glory.

He was referring to second coming of Jesus.

1-4) What does he urge them to be? (2a)

Be shepherds of God’s flock.

1-5) What should shepherds be and do? (2b,3)

a) Be shepherds of God’s flock 

Jesus appealed Peter to be shepherds of God’s flock. (Jn 21:15-17)

Now, Peter appeals the elders to be shepherds of God’s flock. 

b) 2 Main jobs of shepherds 

i) Feeding: nurturing the sheep: teaching the word of God regularly. 

ii) Tending: protecting, guiding, caring for the sheep

Protecting them from the false teachings

Showing them practical examples to obey the word of God. 

Serving them in many different ways; encouraging; rebuking, correcting. 

c) Serving as overseers: 

Shepherds could also be understood as overseers. 

Overseers mean someone who watches over, mangers, supervisors. 

Overseers emphasize their function of leadership. 

d) Willingness; not compulsion (v2)

Apostle Peter’s concern: a first danger: indifference and laziness. 

It is very easy for elders to be indifferent and lazy to feed people. 

Because Shepherding are hard work

Because they are spiritually sick and their souls are damaged. 

Apostle Peter’s advice: willingness (your desire) and God’s will

Shepherd them gladly, joyfully, willingly. 

because it is what you want to be. Shepherds are volunteers

because it is what God wants you to be.

e) Passion for serving: Not for dishonest gain (v2)

Apostle Peter’s concern: a second danger: greedy/desire for money.

It is very easy for anyone to be motivated by money. 

Apostle Peter’s advice: motivated by passion not by money. 

Eagerness; passion; purpose and goal for serving God. 

Scripture is very clear that churches should pay their shepherds well (1 Cor 9:7-14) 

But elders should be willing to serve apart from financial compensation. 

f) Being examples: not domineering; intimidating, manipulating (v3)

Apostle Peter’s concern: a third danger: manipulating leadership (dictatorship)

It is very easy for leaders to dominate people by manipulation and intimidation. 

Apostle Peter’s advise: spiritual leadership by example. 

For elders: the elders are not the head of church, but Jesus is. (Eph 5:23)

People do not belong to the elders, but to Jesus. 

Believers are entrusted to them by Jesus. 

For people; people will not follow Jesus by pushing/demanding/threatening.

People need examples to follow. 

Jesus showed examples so that we can follow Him. 

We can only follow God from conviction, not demanding

1-6) What will be the reward for good shepherds when the Chief Shepherd appears? (4)

a) The elders (Shepherds) will receive the crown of glory. 

The crown of this world will fade away. 

This crown will not fade away. It will never fade away. This is eternal crown. 

b) Crowns are not only for shepherds, but for everyone who did what He called him/her to do. (1 Corinthians 9:25, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12).

c) Jesus is the Chief Shepherd 

Jesus is the good shepherd. (Jn 10:11,12)

Jesus is the great shepherd. (Heb 13:20)

Jesus will ask the elders what they did with His flock. 

In this sense, the elders work for Jesus, not for the sheep. 

2. Read verses 5-9. Who else does the author write to? (5a) What should young men be and do and why? (5b,6) What does the author tell young men to do with their anxiety and why? (7) Why should young men be self-controlled and alert? (8) Why should young men resist the devil? (9) 

2-1) Read verses 5-9

Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

“God opposes the proud
    but gives grace to the humble.”[ HYPERLINK "" \l "fen-NIV1984-30455a#fen-NIV1984-30455a" a] 

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.


2-2) Who else does the author write to? (5a) 

Young men

2-3) What should young men be and do and why? (5b,6) 

Be submissive and clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because of God

a) Know who God is: God opposes the proud. 

Character of God: Holiness. 

God is holy; therefore he cannot accept even the hint of sin. 

Origin of Sin: Pride (Satan) Pride is one of the most detestable sins in God’s sight. 

The proud demand the favor of God because they think they deserve it. 

They think they are not proud, but able and confident. (It is a Satan’s deception) 

b) Know who God is: God gives grace to the humble. God lift the humble in due time. 

i) Character of God: Humility: 

God is humble; therefore, we must be humble to have relationship with God.

God the Son, Jesus showed his humility. (Jn 13:4, Phil 2:5-11)

ii) The humble: humility asks the favor of God only based on God’s grace. 

The humble depend on God; His grace and mercy. 

iii) God may lift you up

In God, the way up is to go down. (what a paradoxical truth in God)

But if you fake to be humble in order to go high, it is not going to work. 

Your hearts have to be changed by the power of God to be humble. 

c) Know who God is: God’s mighty hand: God is almighty. 

Character of God: Almighty

Humility comes from knowing who God is; almighty. 

Humility comes from know who we are; nothing but dirt without God. 

d) Know who God is: God is faithful: God’s schedule is accurate. 

Character of God: God is faithful. 

God keeps his promises: His time is coming on time. 

The humble never think that they know the right time better than God does. 

2-4) What does the author tell young men to do with their anxiety and why? (7) 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 

a) When we try to humble ourselves in our effort, 

We will start worrying about everything. 

People’s opinions, success, fame, money, future security 

Worry is another symptom of pride, covetousness, ambition. 

‘I will take care of everything by myself’

b) We should cast all our anxiety on God. 

We must throw our anxiety away to God. 

Casting is tough, active, harsh, energetic attitude; not passive, powerless attitude. 

We need determination, toughness, trust (faith) 

Do not be gentle to ‘your worries’ in your hearts; it will eat you up. 

True humility is shown by our ability to cast our care upon God. 

2-5) Why should young men be self-controlled and alert? (8) 

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

Because the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour. 

The devil is not omnipresent: 

He is a finite being and can only be in one place at one time

His effort, energy, influence are limited.

He has the power to devour souls and damage believers. 

Devil comes against us like a roaring lion or angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14)

He roars through persecution, temptation, accusations against God.

The purpose of devil: is to devour us. 

Devil wants to destroy us, break our borns if he could. 

2-6) Why should young men resist the devil? (9) 

Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 

We are not alone in the battle.

3. Read verses 10-11. How is God described? (10a) What does God call us to? (10b) How will God of all grace help those he has called who have suffered? (10c) What does the author dedicate to God? (11)  

3-1) Read verses 10-11.

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. 

3-2) How is God described? (10a) 

God is the God of grace.

3-3) What does God call us to? (10b)

God called us to God’s eternal glory in Christ.

Our temporary sufferings can’t be compared to God’s eternal glory. God is so gracious that we are called to God’s eternal glory.

3-4) How will God of all grace help those he has called who have suffered? (10c) 

God will restore us, make us strong, firm and steadfast.

3-5) What does the author dedicate to God? (11)  

The power.

It’s not through our power that we could overcome, but it’s through God’s power, thus the author dedicate “the power to God”. God is worthy to be dedicated “the power”, because God is powerful. 

God is grace. God is power. 

4. Read verses 12-14. Who helped the author write his letter? (12a) How is Silas described ? (12b) What does the author encourage us to do? (12c) Who sent their greetings to the recipients? (v13-14) 

4-1) Read verses 12-14

12 With the help of Silas,[ HYPERLINK "" \l "fen-NIV1984-30462b#fen-NIV1984-30462b" b] whom I regard as a faithful brother, I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it. 

13 She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark. 

14 Greet one another with a kiss of love. 

Peace to all of you who are in Christ.

4-2) Who helped the author write his letter? (12a) 


4-3) How is Silas described ? (12b) 

A faithful brother.

4-4) What does the author encourage us to do? (12c) 

Stand fast in it.

4-5) Who sent their greetings to the recipients? (v13-14) 

13 She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark. 

14 Greet one another with a kiss of love. 

Peace to all of you who are in Christ.



LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.

Be Shepherds of God's Flock

Aug 26, 2012

1 Peter 5:1-14

Be Shepherds of God’s flock

Be Shepherds of God’s Flock!

1 Peter 5:1-14                                                                                                                                                              Key Verse 5:2

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing …”

Today we complete our study of 1 Peter. Looking back over the past eight weeks, an appropriate key verse for these studies might be 2:9, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Peter says, that “you are … a royal priesthood [and] a holy nation …” But what does this really mean? In reference to today’s passage, we can say that it means a shepherd nation. As we know, a shepherd is one who teaches the Bible and prays for others. But Peter didn’t really talk about the duties of a shepherd prior to today’s passage. Instead, he talked about something else. What did he talk about? He mostly talked about sufferings. He talked about participating in the sufferings of Christ—suffering to refine our faith (1:7), suffering to be holy (1:15) suffering to submit to authorities (2:13), suffering for doing good (3:17) and suffering for being a Christian (4:13). So it follows that being a shepherd also has something to do with suffering. In fact, it could be said that suffering for being a shepherd is one of the most practical ways to participate in the sufferings of Christ. If you think about it, suffering for being a shepherd involves all of the aforementioned sufferings—suffering to refine our faith, suffering to be holy, suffering to submit to authorities, suffering for doing good and suffering for being Christian all rolled up in one. So in today’s passage Peter says, “Be shepherds …” Let’s consider his exhortation in two parts. 

Part I. “To the Elders among You”

Look at verse 1. 

“To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who will also share in the glory to be revealed …”

Here the Apostle Peter addressed the elders in the church. An elder refers mainly to those that are mature in faith. Peter made an appeal to them, not as a superior, but as a “fellow elder”. In this way, he acknowledged that what he was going to say applied equally to him. In other words, he wasn’t going to ask them to do something that he himself was not willing to do.  

Peter also made his appeal to them as a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who would share in his glory. According to the gospel accounts, Peter was probably not present at Jesus’ crucifixion. But he calls himself a witness of Christ’s sufferings. Evidently, being a witness of Christ’s sufferings does not simply imply being an eyewitness. After all, not everyone who witnessed Jesus on the cross firsthand believed. Jesus was crucified between two criminals, but only one of them believed and became a true witness of his sufferings. The other became a mocker. Then how did Peter become a witness of Christ’s sufferings? It was probably through participating in Christ’s sufferings. 

Even though none of us were actually there at Jesus’ Crucifixion, we can still become witnesses of his sufferings. To be a witness of Christ’s sufferings means to have fellowship with Jesus and to suffer together with Jesus. Say, “Suffer together with Jesus!” Do you suffer alone, or do you suffer together with Jesus? Suffering alone is shameful, but suffering together with Jesus is glorious? When Apostle Peter suffered together with Jesus he knew that he would also share in his glory to be revealed.        

Look at verse 2, “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers …” This was the Apostle Peter’s appeal to the elders. What does it mean to be shepherds of God’s flock? First of all they are God’s flock. They belong to God, not to the shepherd. So shepherd gives glory to God and serves them according to God’s will. And they are answerable to God.  

They are God’s flock. However, they are under the shepherd’s care. The shepherd is an overseer, especially overseeing their spiritual life. We can think of this as kind of like babysitting. A good babysitter knows what a baby needs. They change their dirty diapers. They put them down at their nap time. They help them to wash there hands before eating and help them to eat their vegetables. They keep them from running into the street. They teach them right from wrong. On top of all of this, the best babysitters also teach children Biblical principles. It’s the same with the flock of God. Caring for the flock of God doesn’t mean giving them what they want, but giving them what is best for them. Ultimately, it means to consider their salvation. 

To consider one person’s salvation is not a small matter. It requires praying for that person, preparing and feeding them with the proper words of God-to correct, rebuke and encouraged. It requires touching on their sin problem again and again. It requires serving as a mother, father, teacher, guidance councilor, chauffeur, nurse, chef and in any and every other possible way. To consider one person’s salvation requires a lot of love and sacrifice on behalf of God’s flock. 

The motive of a shepherd is also important. Look at verse 2b-3. 

"...not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock."

The work of a shepherd cannot be carried out as an obligation. It must be done out of a willing heart. God wants us to be shepherds for the flock of God, but he is not going to force us. He wants us to want what he wants. This means that our desires should be changed. For example, the desire to make money should be changed into a desire to serve others. And all of our selfish desires should be changed into sacrificial ones. But how can we be changed? Obviously, we cannot change ourselves. But keep in mind that God wants to change us. He wants to give us a willing heart to serve him. He wants to provide for us financially and in every way. So a shepherd needs to first accept God’s love themselves and then serve others. 

Finally, shepherding must be done by example. It is not a matter of telling others what to do, and so lording over them. Rather, it is a matter of setting others an example of what to do. A shepherd must set a good example above all else. Sheep do not learn much from a shepherd's teaching, but they learn from their example. 

A shepherd that tells others what to do without setting them an example will end up abusing their authority. They will either end up using coercion or manipulation to get God’s flock to obey them, or they will become complacent and indifferent to the needs of God’s flock. Eventually, all the sheep will run away from such a shepherd. The only way to lead as a shepherd is by example and then words. A good shepherd first shepherds themselves before God—relying on God as their shepherd. 

Shepherds sacrifice a lot. How will they be rewarded by God? Look at verse 4. 

“And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” 

Jesus is the Chief shepherd. When he comes again he will reward all the shepherds under him with a crown of glory that will never fade away. I don’t know if we all get the same crown or if shepherd get a special crown. However, I am so happy to be a shepherd, because through this I can know Jesus as the Chief Shepherd. In John 10:11. Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." As the good shepherd Jesus laid down his life. But he will come again as the Chief Shepherd to reward me. 

The Apostle Paul appealed to the elders of the church to be shepherds of the flock of God. But does this mean that young men cannot be shepherds?  

Part II. “Young Men, in the Same Way …”

Look at verse 5

“Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older.”

The Apostle Peter is now addressing young men. However, the words “in the same way” tell us that there is no change of subject matter. He is still talking about being shepherds. Young men are sort of shepherds in training. As shepherds in training, they are to submit to the authority of the elders—or shepherds above them—in order to learn from them.  Peter did not say that young men should not be shepherds. But, they should first learn to be good sheep. If you think about it, it is the same for all of us. Before we can be good shepherds, we must first be good sheep of Jesus, by submitting to the authority of those he has placed above us. 

Look at verse 5b-7.      

All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you ... 

Here Peter begins with the words, “All of you”. Maybe he was referring to all young men, because young men can have a certain propensity for becoming proud. But really these verses apply to everyone. Shepherds, sheep, elders, young men—all can become proud.   

But a shepherd must be humble. So how can we humble ourselves? According to these verses, humbling ourselves comes from finding ourselves under God’s mighty hand. When we become proud, we must come and fall down before the Almighty God before whom we are nothing. Then he will lift us up, not according to our time, but his. 

Worry and anxiety is another symptom of pride. We worry because in our pride we try to take care of things by ourselves. We try to take care of our futures by ourselves, of our finances by ourselves, of our relationship and all of our responsibilities by ourselves. So we end up full of worry and anxiety. But when we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, we can cast our cares on him. We can trust that he will take care of them all by his mighty power, because he cares for us. 

To cast our cares on him is not a passive exercise. It is very active; like casting a large rock into the sea. It requires initiative struggle and determination to cast our anxiety on him. But when we do, he takes away our anxiety, cares and worries and gives us peace.  

Look at verses 8-9. 

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 

Not to frighten anyone, but if you are going to be a shepherd get ready for a spiritual battle. These verses paint a very scary picture of the danger we face at the hands our enemy the devil. The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. The way to fight against him is threefold. 

First of all, we must be self-controlled and alert. Danger can be near at any time. We must see it and be ready to fight against it. Especially, the devil looks for an easy target. He likes to attack when we are tired or weak. So at these times we need to pray even more.

Secondly, we must resist him. The devil is more powerful than us. But we have the power to resist him. When we resist him, God helps us to win the victory over temptation. The devil is more powerful than us, but God is more powerful than the devil. Based on this, we should begin our own personal resistance movement based on faith in God. . 

Thirdly, we must accept temptations as common sufferings in Christ. We are not alone in our sufferings as the hand of the devil. God is with us, but also our brothers and sisters around the world are also with us. They are undergoing the same kinds of sufferings as we are. Knowing this can also help us to resist the devil.  

And God promise to help us. Look at verses 10-11. 

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

It is important to know that our suffering is not for ever. It is only for a little while. When we resist the devil, God shows us grace. And, by his grace, he restores us and makes us strong. In this way, each time we resist the devils temptation, we become stronger. His grace makes us stronger. 

Moreover, not only is each temptation only for a little while before he restores us, but also, all sufferings are this way. In other words, although we suffer during this lifetime, it will only be during this lifetime. When Christ appears in his eternal glory, all sufferings will be over. We will enjoy eternal glory and eternal peace together in his kingdom. 

Sometimes, we wonder how long we need to continue to suffer—one month, one year, two years, twenty years, more? But Peter doesn’t give us a specific length of time. Instead, he uses words like “a little while” or “in due time” So we don’t know how long. It is up to God. But even if our suffering lasts a lifetime still that is a little while compared to eternity. 

Personally, I learned through this passage that I need to be a shepherd all the time; not just with Bible students, but also at home and not just when sheep are near, but also when I’m alone. I need to be a shepherd while I’m working and while I’m studying. I need to be a shepherd while I’m playing sports or talking with friends, while I’m eating, while I’m driving-so that I don’t tailgate or cut anybody off, while I’m getting dressed, while I’m using the restroom—so that I always put down the toilet seat and replace the toilet paper roll, I need to be a shepherd while doing the dishes, and even while I’m sleeping. It needs to be my identity and what drives me at each and every moment. 

Look at verses 12-14. 

“With the help of Silas, whom I regard as a faithful brother, I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it. 13 She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark. 14 Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. 

Peter co-worked with Silas to write this letter. He also co-worked with mark and with others. Peter must have considered them his partners in suffering for the gospel. 

And he concluded by testifying to the true grace of God. Maybe he had in mind our participation in the sufferings of Christ and especially the sufferings to live as a shepherd for God’s flock. These could be the true grace of God because through them we grow in our faith and overcome the word.  





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