Pay Attention to It

Sep 16, 2012

2 Peter 1:12-21


Remember These Things

2 Peter 1:12-21

Key verse 2 Pet 1:15

“And I will make every effort to see that after my departure 

you will always be able to remember these things”

In this passage, we will think about the certainty of the Gospel. 

(1) Importance of remembrance of Salvation.  (v12-15)

(2) Certain Apostolic Witness (v16-18)

(3) More Certain the Word of God (v19)

(4) Inspiration by Holy Spirit (v20-21)

May God richly bless us to open our eyes to see the certainty of the Gospel so that we can truly put our faith in the word of God and boldly preach it to the world. 

1. Read verse 12-15. What are ‘these things’ that Peter always reminded them of even though they already know them? (12-14) What did Peter eagerly want to see even after his departure? (15)

1-1) Read verse 12-15. 

12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. 13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, 

14 because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. 15 And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.

1-2) What are ‘these things’ that Peter always reminded them of even though they already know them? (12-14)

a) These things: a list of things that we are to remember

Origin of Salvation; we have received a faith. (v1-2)

Riches of Salvation: we have received everything we need for life and godliness. (v3)

Responsibility of Salvation: we are to add godly characters to our faith. (v5-7)

Result of Salvation: we will never fall. We will enter into the kingdom of God. (v10,11)

b) Why Peter reminded them of these things (12-14)

a) Because these things are extremely important. 

Knowing the truth is between the Eternal Salvation and eternal punishment. 

Believers should never get tired hearing the truth. 

b) Because refreshing your memory is important. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2)

We are prone to forget things easily. 

Do not trust your memory. 

Constant repetition of the truth is the only way to feed the truth into the heart. 

c) Because false teaching are very deceptive

We need to remember that Devils study the Bible even memorizes. 

Devil read/quote/twist the Bible and change its meaning. (Gen 3:1, Matt 4:6)

Unless we know the word of God exactly, we will be easily deceived. 

3) Because his death is coming soon. 

Apostle Peter knew that the days of his earthly life were soon coming to an end.

He wrote this letter in prison and soon after he was crucified. 

This emphasizes the fact that our permanent place to live is heaven. 

We should invest more in heaven than in our tent. 

1-3) What did Peter eagerly want to see even after his departure? (15)

He will make every effort to help them to remember these things. 

He put the truth in this letter so that we can have a constant reminder after his death. 

Teachings of Apostles and prophets is the foundation of the church. (Eph 2:20)

2. Read verses 16-18. What is the basis of Peter’s testimony in regards to Jesus’ power and coming? (16) What did Peter eyewitness regarding the majesty of Jesus? (17,18) How significant was his experience as an apostle in the sacred mountain? 

2-1) Read verses 16-18.  

16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” 18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain. 

2-2) What is the basis of Peter’s testimony in regards to Jesus’ power and coming? (16)

a) False Teachers’ questions regarding the power and coming of Jesus (v16)

a) False teachers told them that there is no Second coming. 

There is no second coming; no judgment. (2Peter 3:3)

b) False teachers told them that the gospel is just cleverly invented stories (myths)

Since there is no second coming, the gospel, the prophets are all invented myths. 

Even today, a lot of educated people believe that the gospel is just ancient myths. 

b) Peter’s defense (v16b) 

These are not cleverly invented stories. 

We were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Peter says that he saw the power of Jesus

Peter says that coming of Jesus is for sure; not fiction (invented stories). 

Peter insists that his message is historical fact, seen by many eyewitnesses. 

The apostles and the NT have been checked for centuries and have been found truthful.

2-3) What did Peter eyewitness regarding the majesty of Jesus? (17,18)

a) The transfiguration of Jesus (Mat 17:1-8, Mk 9:1-9, Lk 9:28-36)

At the mountain, Jesus was transformed in glory before the apostles. 

He received honor and glory from God. 

He became so bright in appearance; He shined like the sun (Matthew 17:2).

b) The voice of God: “This is my Son whom I love; with him I am well pleased” 

The voice of God declared that Jesus is the Son of God. 

Jesus was not merely another prophet, He was and is the beloved Son.

This experience was so awesome that they never forgot about the glorified Jesus.

2-4) How significant was his experience as an apostle in the sacred mountain? 

Peter experienced the power and glory, majesty of Jesus with his own eyes. 

He saw it and touched it and talked with Jesus. 

Direct and personal experience is sure thing. 

No one can change it. 

He was able to have confidence even in the middle of the persecution because of it. 

3. Read verse 19. What do we have that is more certain? (19a) What did he encourage them to do? (19b) How much do we have to pay attention to them? (19c)

3-1) Read verse 19. 

19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 

3-2) What do we have that is more certain? (19a)

a) The word of the prophets: the word of God: Scripture. 

The word of God is more certain than a personal manifestation of God. 

The Scripture is more sure than transfiguration in the mountain. 

We all (most of us) have personal experience with God. 

God revealed himself to us such a way that it is so real. 

But the word of God is more certain than the most vivid personal experience. 

b) If you want to know about the power and coming of Jesus

The personal revelation of God is fine; although it needs to be tested by the truth. 

But the better proof of it is what the Bible says about Jesus. 

3-3) What did he encourage them to do? (19b)

a) "You will do well" was a common way of saying "please" in Greek 

Apostle Peter encourages them to pay attention to the word of God

It is most likely because they are exposed to false teachers. 

b) Why we must pay attention to the word of God

i) Because the word of the prophets is very clear about the power and coming of Jesus. 

Over 300 OT predictions regarding the Messiah that Jesus fulfilled perfectly. 

ii) Because we cannot always trust our own experiences

Our senses are not reliable: Our experiences need to be checked by biblical truth. 

3-4) How much do we have to pay attention to them? (19c)

a) like a light shining in a dark place. (Psalm 119:105)

There is darkness all around us. The only light is the Word of God.

We cannot see the truth until the light shines. 

But when a light shines, we can see the truth of God and follow the light. 

b) Until the day dawns. 

This phase describes the appearing of Jesus Christ more graphically. 

The day dawns; the kingdom of Christ comes

c) Until the morning star rises in your hearts. 

i) ‘Morning star’ (Jesus Christ)

The morning star (Venus) appears late at night just before dawn

It announces the arrival of a new day. 

Jesus’ return will signal the beginning of a new day, the day of the Lord.

ii) Jesus’ second coming will impact the hearts of believers.

He will not only change the world, but also transform the hearts of believers.  

d) The Scriptures will be replaced with Jesus at the second coming. 

The Scripture will be fulfilled and no longer be necessary. 

Believers will be made like Jesus. (1 John 3:2)

All prophecy will be abolished. (1 Cor 13:8)

Believer will have perfect knowledge (1 Cor 13:12)

4. Read verses 20-21. How did the prophecy of Scripture come about? (20, 21a) How could the prophets(men) speak from God? (21b)

4-1) Read verses 20-21. 

20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. 

21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 

4-2) How did the prophecy of Scripture come about? (20, 21a) 

a) The prophet’s own interpretation: 

More accurate translation would be Prophet’s own origination

Apostle Peter’s point is not about how to interpret the Scripture

His point is how Scripture originated and what its source was. 

False teachings are originated from men. 

The Scripture are not originated from men but from God. 

b) The prophecy of Scripture came about by God’s origin, not by the prophet’s own origin. 

The prophets did not simply give their views of how things were or would be (v20) 

c) Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man. 

Prophecy does not come from man, but from God. 

Prophecy originates in the mind of God. 

4-3) How could the prophets(men) speak from God? (21b)

They were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit "moved" the prophets to speak the word of God. 

Just as the wind moves a sailboat or branches of tree (John 3:8).

They spoke as God’s mouthpieces expressing His thoughts in words. 

In conclusion, our salvation is certain, absolute truth. Apostle’s witnesses provide absolute evidences. And the word of God confirms it with certainty. Therefore, we must pay attention to the word of God. The word of God is more reliable than any eyewitness or personal experiences because it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. May God grant us the absolute truth in your word in this confusing world so that we can hold onto and proclaim the truth of God. Amen.



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