My House will be a House of Prayer

May 8, 2016

Luke 19:41-48


My House will be a House of Prayer

Luke 19:41-48

Key Verse 46

“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’”

1. Read verses 41-44. Why did Jesus weep when he saw Jerusalem? (41-44) What did Jesus want people to understand? (42a) Why was it hidden from them? (42b) What would their enemies do to them? (43-44a) Why would these things happen to them? (44b)

2. Read verses 45-46. What did Jesus do at the temple courts? (45) What was the purpose of the temple? (46a, Isa 56:7) How had people defiled God’s temple? (46b) What can we learn from Jesus? (Jn 2:16, 17)

3. Read verses 47-48. What did Jesus do at the temple every day? (47a) What were the religious leaders doing? (47b) Why weren’t they able to carry out their plans? (48)



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