You Are Rich

Feb 20, 2022

Revelation 2:8-11


You Are Rich

Revelation 2:8-11

Key Verse 2:9a

“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

  1. Read v. 8. What aspects of himself did Jesus state in his opening to this church? What does it mean that Jesus is the “first and the last”? Describe the significance that Jesus is the one “who died and came to life”?

  2. Read v. 9. What four things did Jesus say he knew about the Church in Smyrna? What type of doubts could extreme “tribulations” and “poverty” tempt this church to think? Yet, what was the reality Jesus pointed out to them; why is this truth essential for them?

  3. Read v. 9 again. What type of people were “slandering” the church in Smyrna? Who was really behind this slander? How does Satan use slander and blasphemy to accomplish his evil purpose (Rev 13:5,6)? What does their society reveal about their spiritual struggle?

  4. Read v. 10. What type of power was Satan able to exercise over the church of Smyrna? What good purpose would be accomplished? What did Jesus say they needed to do, why? Who is the crown of life given to (James 1:12)?

  5. Read v. 11. What was the Spirit saying to the church in Smyrna? What is the “second death”? Why is this promise to not be hurt by the second death pertinent to the church in Smyrna?

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