Revere Christ as Lord

Oct 25, 2020

1 Peter 3:8-22


1 Peter 3:8-22

Key verse 3:15a

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.”

  1. Read verses 8-13. Why was it important for the believers to be like-minded, sympathetic, compassionate and humble, and to love one another? (8, 1:22, 2:4-5, 2:9) Why should they repay evil with blessing? (9) How should they live in order to be blessed? (10-13)

  2. Read verses 14-16. How could the believers overcome fear to suffer for what is right? (14-15a) How could they use suffering for what is right as an opportunity to bless others? (15b) What attitude should they have in answering the questions of unbelievers? Why was it important for them to keep a clear conscience when answering their questions? (16) Why was it better to suffer for doing good than evil? (17-18)

  3. Read verses 18-22. To whom did Jesus mysteriously proclaim the truth? (19-20 Ref: NASB) How does water baptism symbolize God’s work of salvation in the life of a believer? (21a) How are believers actually saved? (21b-22)

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