The Towns of Levites

Mar 23, 2003

Joshua 20:1-21:45



Joshua 20:1-21:45

Key Verse 20:41, 42

(Read Numbers 35:1-34 for a background)

1. Read 20:1-9 and describe: 1) the purpose of the cities of refuge (1-3); 2) the procedures designed to serve that purpose (4-6); and 3) the way the locations for the cities of refuge was distributed among the Israelites. In this passage the word "blood" is repeated twice. What is the significance of man's blood (Lev 17:11; Gen 1:26)? What do you think the Lord God wanted to teach the Israelites in establishing the cities of refuge?

2. Read 20:6 again. On what conditions is the defendant to be allowed to go back home? How does the condition concerning the "death of the high priest" remind us of the efficacy of the death of Jesus Christ (Rm 6:10; 1Pe 3:18; Col 1:20)? 

3. Read 21:1-3. The Levites are the sons of Levi born to Jacob and Leah (Gn 29:34). How many sons did Levi have (Gn 46:11)? What roles did the Lord God choose the Levites to play (Deu 33:10; 2Ch 17:7-9; 35:3; 1Ch 6:31; Num 1:50; 8:18)? 

4. Read v. 4. What is the significance of the Kohathites, especially the Levites who were descendants of Aaron (Ex 28:1; 41)? According to God's providence they were assigned 13 towns from the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin. What do you think the Lord God had in mind in assigning their towns among these three tribes (Exo 19:5-6; 2Ch 3:1; Jos 15:63; 18:11; 19:9; Eze 5:5; Acts 1:8)? 

5. Skim through 4-40. This passage shows us that the Lord God evenly distributed the Levites among the Israelites. Why do you think the Lord God chose to do so (Exo 19:5-6; Isa 11:9)?

6. Read vs. 41-42. Of the 48 towns how many were to serve as cities of refuge (20:7-8; 21:13, 21, 27, 32, 36, 38)? Imagine the Levite towns surrounded by open land for tending their flocks. What does this image remind us of (Nun 35:34; Psalm 23:1-6; Mark 6:34)? 

7. Read vs. 43-45. In what respect is it not always easy for one to keep (or 'fulfill') one's promise(s)? Yet after how many years did the Lord fulfill all of his promises (Acts 13:16-20)? What does this passage show us about the Lord God? 



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