Fear the Lord and Serve Him

Apr 6, 2003

Joshua 23:1-24:33



Joshua 23:1-24:33

Key Verse 24:14-15

1. Read 23:1-5. This passage indicates that there still remain many heathen nations (and their lands) to be conquered. Yet what will the Lord do for the Israelites? What does this promise tell us about the way of salvation? 

2. Read vs. 6-16 and describe the two choices the Israelites have. How are the choices compared? What can we learn from the Lord who gave the Israelites these choices? 

3. Read 24:1. Joshua picked Shechem as the place to give a farewell message. What is the significance of Shechem (Gen 12:6-7; 33:17-19; 34:2, 26; 35:4)? 

4. Read vs. 2-13. In this passage the Lord God gave the Israelites a "history" lesson. What do you think is the point of the lesson (2)? What can we learn from this passage?

5. Read vs. 14-24. How many times did Joshua say, "throw away"? What did Joshua ask them to throw away? Why do you think Joshua repeated the same request? 

6. Read vs. 25-27. V. 25 says that Joshua "made" a covenant for the people. What does the word "made" tell us about the nature of the transaction Joshua put the people through "on that day" and "there at Shechem"? What can we learn here in securing the blessings the Lord God has for us (Mk 1:15; Jn 1:12; Mk 8:34,35)? 

7. Read vs. 28-33. This passage describes the final outcome of Joshua, Joseph, and Eleazer. What do they have in common? What can we learn here in serving the Lord? 



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