The Secret of Being Content

Jul 6, 2003

Philippians 4:10-23



Philippians 4:10-23

Key Verse 4:12-13

1. Read v. 10. What does Paul mean by "you have renewed your 'concern' for me" (15-18)? What does the phrase "in the Lord" suggest to us about the relationship between the Lord and the provision that came to Paul through the church of Philippi (Gen 22:14; 45:5; Mat 6:33)? What did this faith do for Paul? 

2. Read vs. 11-12. What does [to be or being] "content" mean? What does Paul mean by "circumstances" or "situation"? What does Paul's testimony suggest to us about the way in which God desires his children to deal with their environment (Gen 1:26-28)? What do such words as "learned" (repeated twice) or "secret" indicate about the way to fulfill God's desire? 

3. Memorize v. 13. How many possibilities does "everything" include? (Give at least three examples.) What does the expression "through him who gives me 'strength'" tell us about the way the Lord helps his children to cope with [adverse] environments? 

4. Read vs. 14-17. The [material] gift was transferred from the account of the saints at the church of Philippi to that of Paul in Rome. Yet, Paul says, "It was good of “you” to share in my troubles." He also says, "I am looking for what may be credited to your account." What does Paul mean by "credited to your “account” (Mat 6:19-20; 10:42)? What does this passage show us about the grace of giving in the Lord?

5. Read v. 18. The gifts went to Paul's account, and yet, Paul describes them as "a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to 'God'". What does this tell us about the nature of the act of giving in the Lord (Mat 6:21)? 

6. Read v. 19. What do the following expressions teach us about God's blessings on those who make material offerings in the Lord: 1) "'my' God"; 2) "will meet 'all' your needs"; and 3) "according to his 'glorious' riches in Christ Jesus"? 

7. Read vs. 20-23. In the passage there are two "Amen's". What does "Amen" mean? What does this passage reveal to us about the nature of fellowship in the Lord?



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