Come to the Wedding Banquet

Aug 3, 2003

Matthew 22:1-14



Matthew 22:1-14

Key Verse 22:4

1. Read v. 1. Jesus addressed this "third" parable to those who persistently rejected what he came to offer. What can we learn from Jesus? 

2. Read v. 2. Whom do you think Jesus means by: 1) a 'king'; and 2) his 'son'? What does this allegory tell us about the way in which one can secure the kingdom of heaven (John 3:29; 2Co 11:2; Rev 3:20; 19:7; 21:2,9)? 

3. Read vs. 3-7. Why do you think the king kept inviting even when the invitees kept refusing to come? What can we learn from the failures of the people described in this passage (1Jo 2:15; Acts 26:18; Phi 1:9-11)? 

4. Read vs. 8-10 and describe the "new" direction from the king to the servants. In what respect is this so unusual? Yet, how did the servants obey? What can we learn from the servants?

5. Read vs. 11-12. What does the king's question to the man indicate about the condition for each guest to satisfy before getting admitted to the wedding hall? What do "the wedding clothes" represent (Rm 3:22; 13:14)? What does this passage teach us about the preparations that each guest must make? 

6. Read v. 13. What does this passage suggest to us about the nature of the fellowship enjoyed by the people "inside", as compared with the one experienced by the people "outside"? What warning is there for us to heed here? 

7. Memorize v. 14. How did the "invited" fail to be "chosen" (3)? How did the "chosen" get to be "chosen" (9)? What does this passage teach us about the importance of: 1) "inviting"; and 2) "choosing"? What practical lesson is there for us to learn from the disparity between "many" and "few"? 



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